Nintendo Wii Fitness Games

Anyone out there use the Nintendo Wii games and know the calories burnt on some of the games?
For example the boxing and tennis games, I am working up a great sweat while playing but don't know how I should log them. Any ideas?


  • Footprintz
    Anyone out there use the Nintendo Wii games and know the calories burnt on some of the games?
    For example the boxing and tennis games, I am working up a great sweat while playing but don't know how I should log them. Any ideas?
  • crazyboutdasies
    The real sport: 8.1 calories per minute
    Wii Sports: 5.3 calories per minute

    The real sport: 10.2 calories per minute
    Wii Sports: 7.2 calories per minute

    The real sport: 3.9 calories per minute
    Wii Sports: 3.1 calories per minute

    The real sport: 7.2 calories per minute
    Wii Sports: 3.5 calories per minute

    The real sport: 7.3 calories per minute
    Wii Sports: 4.5 calories per minute

    Off course everyone expected that real sports make you burn more calories than the Wii Sports games, but during their research they certainly didn’t play too active. The just flicked their wrists and didn’t throw their whole body into the game.

    I hope this helps you out. I found it on the Wii healthy sight
  • Footprintz
    Thank You TashaE1229

    This is very helpful. I do put my whole body into the Wii games. Especially the tennis, I played about 6 games two nights ago and my arm muscles are screaming.
  • crazyboutdasies
    I use to have a wii so I know what you mean, I'm waiting till income time to buy another one, I can't wait.
  • Mahlia
    Mahlia Posts: 190
    This is a really helpful topic, thanks!
    My sister has a Wii, but I feel so silly playing it sometimes! :embarassed: