Heya everybody :)

Heya :) I am on here because if i keep eating the way I am I could run into serious problems later on... so best start now :) I love sports and walking however I just seem to eat too much :| Im starting to get really uncomfortable with my body again so trying to stop going down the more tempting unhealthy root and am trying this out :) I would love to make new friends and support and help other people :)
Lizzie xXx


  • arabellastrange
    Hey Lizzie :smile:
    If I kept eating the way I was, I'd have run into serious trouble too. I find MFP brilliant for making sure what goes in to me is right. Especially having the phone app to log while I'm out.
    Very good luck with it.
    Belle xx
  • arabellastrange
    Also logging your exercise is very very useful... It all puts you in control of your health :smile: