Time To Lose The Pounds

MissVony Posts: 1
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Recently engaged =) So that means wedding planning starts. I want to look STUNNING on my big day (eventhough it's 2 years away). Nows the time to start! I wont try on a wedding dress til Im at my goal weight. Im on a diet with one of my co-workers and we've been doing good ao far. I needed someone to diet with, I needed the motivation! I cant do it solo.

Feel free to give me advice or tips =)

xoxo - V


  • vivient
    vivient Posts: 9
    I'm in nearly the exact same boat :-) Getting married next year so on a diet from now!

    Just want to wish you good luck and encouragement!

  • SandyLee1961
    SandyLee1961 Posts: 133 Member
    You'll love this site! The people here are great at motivation and support! And wow, what a great goal to aim for - your wedding! Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • i'm starting my diet soon, i'm going to be switiching breakfast and snacks with healthy fruit & vegetable smoothies :) they are heaps good cause they are low in calories and really yum and fill you up. also you can add yoghurt, peanut butter, honey, and soy milk or lite milk :D
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