working out alone vs in company



  • ttmaiolo
    ttmaiolo Posts: 14
    i prefer to work out alone. Tried to go to a gym a while back with hubby but just didn't like it. Felt like everyone was looking at me-even though I know it's not true. My mom always tried to get me to go to Jazzercize classes with her but I would just be too uncomfortable. I like it being just me and my WII and my DVD's. I don't even like when hubby is in the room watching-only my dog is allowed, LOL!

  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Sweat to me is like a trophy, I can't find shame in it. I prefer with someone, but when lifting I try to find a less chatty person, or else it just becomes a waste of time. (bring a woman on the weight floor and she's suddenly entranced by the many men ha!) In cardio, however, I prefer to have someone. I feed off of their energy and it pushes me harder.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Most of my workout is alone, but sometimes I need help. Dumbell leg curls are nearly impossible with out help, and certain heavy lifts are dangerous with out a spotter. Plus, it really helps to have someone tell me, "Back to work!"
  • I used to be embarrassed to work out in front of my husband, but after I did it a few times it wasn't so bad. I actually enjoy the company and it doesn't bother me to get all sweaty or the occassional grunt on my weights anymore. The only thing that may bother me is we don't always agree on what to have the TV turned to. :smile: I also have a couple of close friends that I meet with a few times a week to run with. We all chatter while we stretch and warm up, but once we get going we tune into our music and all chatter stops until we finish up. I like the accountability running with my friends gives me...I very rarely miss a day when we meet up!
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