
jesusgrl14 Posts: 250
edited September 18 in Food and Nutrition
Can you count a glass of iced tea, or a cup of coffee in the water intake?? I do drink a lot of water but 8 glasses is hard as I am not quite over my need for caffeine yet! :frown: :laugh:


  • Can you count a glass of iced tea, or a cup of coffee in the water intake?? I do drink a lot of water but 8 glasses is hard as I am not quite over my need for caffeine yet! :frown: :laugh:
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    Herbel tea yes... coffee no. I think you are supposed to be drinking an extra glass of water for every glass of coffee of caffeinated tea.
  • bob9304
    bob9304 Posts: 87
    Don't quote me but it seems I ran across an article that said yes, but some drinks have things that will make you retain water or get rid of it. Guess it depends on the drink. Myself I count fruit juice, cool-aid type drinks but not cola's or tea/coffee
  • I am reading more and more information that says you really don't need to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Your body extracts water from the food you eat and for the most part if you drink when you're thirsty and substitiute water for soft drinks, you'll save money and get al the water you need.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    If it's made of water it counts, at least this is what I am reading in mags and stuff right now. I would say that nothing is as good as water but keep in mind that fruit and veggies also contain a good amount of water and a cup of tea isn't going to kill you.

    I would recommend working on getting a little bit more "pure" water into your daily routine. Going cold turkey from the many other choices to just water can just make you crazy with cravings so wean yourself. I drink 4 sport size bottles of water a day and usually one iced tea and a coffee in the am.


    Found some info for you:

    What counts as water??

    Water & Equivalents = 100% water
    fat free or 1% milk
    fruit juice
    herbal tea
    decaf coffee

    Caffienated beverages = 50%
    black or green tea
    iced tea

    Hope it helps
  • Yeah I drink water all day but I have to have a cup of coffee (only one) in the morning and about every other day, I have a glass or two of iced tea for lunch. I drink water bottles all day long besides those times. Just curious as to whether I should be counting those 2 "other than water" drinks, or if I have to still make up for it in the water bottles. I am already in the restroom all day as it is!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • I agree with jraysherr. I was just reading about it this morning. Your body will tell you when you need the replenishment. You can read more on the topic by linking to www.youonadiet.com. This is extracted from the book by the same name put out by Dr. Oz - the guy from the "Oprah" show.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Just keep in mind, by the time your body tells you that it is thirsty you are in the beginning phase of dehydration. When I started trying to get more water in I bought some 8 oz cups and when you see how small that is it makes it easier than a big old bottle of water. I just drank one per hour or so until I got used to the no sugar or flavor that is water!
  • jbuehrer
    jbuehrer Posts: 285
    I would drink 8 glasses of just water a day anyway. It flushes away all the bad stuff.. the water in your food and drink are just an extra perk... I see it as flushing away whatever is in that food. I've been drinking 10 glasses a day on top of the water in food and drinks and have found great improvement in my skin (not dry and no more pimples) I am not retaining water as much (i thought that drinking it was the problem but it was the salt and sugars.. My herbalist explained it to me... but i can't remember) and I'm not as hungry.
  • charny164
    charny164 Posts: 175 Member
    I drink a lot of water. I heard 8-8oz glasses a day plus another 8oz for each 10lbs you want to lose. :noway: Thats what I do. At first you have to "P" a lot but your body gets used to it and then you get back to a normal potty schedule.:tongue:
    I also heard that you should drink the equivilent of water as you do coffee in addition to your 8 glasses plus.
    The only thing that is really scary is that your body becomes accustomed to a level of hydration and if you don't keep it up after you start it, you go through dizzy spells and can faint - so be careful.
  • sph40
    sph40 Posts: 24
    This may not help now, but just a thought: during the summer when I lost most of my weight, many of my meals consisted of nothing but fruit. I'm in the South and so a meal would be some cantelope, watermelon, maybe some sliced onion, and a slice of cornbread. I had to go to the bathroom all the time b/c of the water. These foods fill you up, give you the water you need, and they are good for you.
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