Easter Hols

Anyone got any good ideas on how to get through the Easter Hols without falling off the wagon. I am already struggling a bit with kids on hols but next weekend, it will be chocolate eggs galore too. I really don't want to mess up over Easter, that's what happened last year (and Christmas, and the Christmas before that ....).


  • m2purple
    m2purple Posts: 38
    I think I am going to try to steer clear of the candy and chocolate, and at dinner take smaller portions. Then convince everyone to go for a really long walk after! :-)
  • purplehaze12
    grrr I know!! Luckily I can't get my hands on Cadbury eggs and such here because those are my weakness!! But chocolate bunnies and such, so tempting.
  • JMJohnson1005
    JMJohnson1005 Posts: 222 Member
    My son is still really young (1.5 yrs) so we will not be getting him an Easter basket this year, however, my mom is. She is going to fill it with bananas and other healthy snacks that he likes. I have to admit that I am blessed with a little boy who loves healthy foods. I swear one day he is going to turn into a banana. I suggest not buying any candy or at least a very small amount.
  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    It's hard to say no when you're tempted - especially with chocolate (trust me, I know)! Don't deprive yourself by any means...have a couple pieces, and then remember all the amazing progress you've already made and walk away.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Make a treat out of the real eggs- like instead of just hard boiled, make like "fiesta scramble" (I just put pico de gallo or onion, tomato & cilantro, over eggs with feta cheese- looks so fun!), don't over buy chocolate for the kids- buy what they will eat and enjoy, get small and fun toys instead (one year my mom got us all those cheapo kites- and it ROCKED). Do a big workout on Sunday and choose 1 particular treat that you will make room for (i often choose blueberry pie) and pre-log it to see what you have to work with for the rest of the day.
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    Think I'll have coffee and an egg white for breakfast, a Lean Frozen meal (under 300 cals) for lunch, a light cheese stick for snack, and I'll have enough for a decent dinner AND a small dessert! That's my trick when I'm headed out and want to stay within my calorie range. Oh yes, and if it's one of those "hungry" days... I eat an entire cucumber before going out to dinner... only 45 calories and takes away any "hunger" I may have had. Makes making wise choices much easier if I'm not hungry.