The different ways I feel through out the day

I feel incredibly energetic when I first wake up, go workout cardio for an hour, then eat breakfast consisting of 1/2 cup special k w/ 1/2 cup milk. Then start working..(cosmetologist) .take a lunch break consisting of something lo carb high protein like tuna or leftover chicken. THIS is when I get extremely GROGGY...when I have to return to work I feel almost as though I have to slap myself to stay alert. I actually did slap myself once to see if it would didn't. :laugh: I will feel this way until Im finished working which is typically an 8-10 hour day. I periodically snack on carrot sticks and nuts/granola as well. then onto dinner, ( fish or chicken w/ salad and one starch)and if the weather is nice out, I will take an evening walk after dinner. I have no idea why this happens to me day in and day out...but I am really tired of it! I've been taking one a day vitamins, vitamin b complex, and I am also prescribed metformin for PCOS. Any advice? thanks!!!:tongue:


  • rjsbailey
    rjsbailey Posts: 78 Member
    You may need to add a whole grain carb at lunch- if you are getting protein and still crashing then you need a smart carb- whole grain that will stick with you. I tried so hard to stay low carb but I too had crashes during day and just couldn't do it anymore so I have a small whole grain carb at breakfast, lunch and dinner. At lunch whole wheat mini pitas are my fave go to or small low fat whole wheat tortilla. I wrap my salad in tortilla or toast a pita with 1 oz mozz cheese over top and slice of tomato- (mini pizza) . Even toast, chop them up and use as croutons- the whole grain carb REALLY keeps me from crashing in the afternoon.Hope this helps and good luck!
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    How many calories are you consuming every day? I'm not an expert, but lack of energy could be associated with a lack of calories in the body.

    You should not be netting below 1200 calories a day. (1200 NET means the calories you eat before exercise.)

    Your breakfast is a really bad start to the day, not on its own but as a post-workout meal. I'm guessing you're getting about 160 - 220 calories from breakfast, which isn't a sufficient breakfast after an AM cardio routine. You need more protein after you exercise. Try flipping your lunch and breakfast and see what happens.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    This is typical for a lot of people...that's why the "power nap" was invented. But for some people that is not practical. What I do now is up My dosage of Mega B. I take 2 Mega B complex vitamins per day (morning and early afternoon) give this regimen time to work (2-4 weeks). Also, "Morning People" have this problem, as the day goes on, energy goes down. That's why Morning People try to Do the MOST Important things Before 2 PM. I would also suggest to look at your evening and morning routine: Quiet Time at least 1/2 Hour before Bed, getting at least 7-8 hours Sleep; Maybe drink a Protein Drink before Workout, eat a high protein Breakfast (Cereal is NOT GOOD unless it is Old Fashioned Oats and have something high protein with it.)

    You are very active and nothing is fueling your body.
  • motherofjade
    Did this happen before the metformin? I'm on Metformin as well for PCOS and some days I get extrememly tired on it. It's usually if I didn't eat enough. As well Metformin like you know will play with your blood sugar. Is it possible your sugars may be too high at that time of day that your getting tired? Also are you taking the metformin with your vitamins at the same time? Metformin works best if it's taken at least 1 hour before or after any other type of medication or vitamin. Just thought I'd ask :)
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    yes Im taking the Met w/ all my other vitamins...seems if I don't do it all at once, I will forget! Im planning on asking my DR. about this soon.
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    My unprofessional advice is milk, orange juice, and fruit. Went through the same thing years ago and found out later it's blood sugar that does that. If you maintain a fairly level blood sugar that won't happen.
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    How many calories are you consuming every day? I'm not an expert, but lack of energy could be associated with a lack of calories in the body.

    You should not be netting below 1200 calories a day. (1200 NET means the calories you eat before exercise.)

    Your breakfast is a really bad start to the day, not on its own but as a post-workout meal. I'm guessing you're getting about 160 - 220 calories from breakfast, which isn't a sufficient breakfast after an AM cardio routine. You need more protein after you exercise. Try flipping your lunch and breakfast and see what happens.

    I believe NET is actually calories you eat minus the calories you burn exercising.
  • HeatherRW
    I too think that you wuld lose the weight faster if you had a bit more to eat! I am no expert but I got into selling Herbalife and I tell all my clients that are learning with me as I go to meetings that BREAKFAST should be your largest meal of the day! I think you would feel much better just getting good protein in! I know you dont really know me but if you want I could help you with a protein plan over email! In my experience I started working out and counting calories the first of January and from january til march 15th i lost 12 lbs. On the 15th of March I started a local weight loss challenge and met a personal trainer who I adore, she has helped me sooo much! I started on Herbalife and the first 2 weeks I lost 16 lbs then I started selling it! It is absolutely wonderful!!! Then I measured my body and listed it on here on 3/31/11 and today I measured again and have lost 11.5 inches total! : ) all together since January I have lost 34 lbs but 22 of those pounds hav been since March 15, 2011 I kid you not this can do wonders for somebody who is already so focused on losing weight! I also have PCOS and take Metformin but I don get those crashes anymore either with mine I would feel sick to my stomach even! I hope you find something that helps you and if you want I will help you!!!! Sincerely, HeatherRW