Just looking for positives

igor11 Posts: 23 Member
I'm fairly new to this forum. I've tried other calorie counting sites but i love how this one counts the calories in my home made recipes. I don't have to input every item over and over again. It saves it. Awesome. Anyway, I'm not trying to lose alot of weight, only about 10 to 15lbs. I'm not overweight and have a healthy BMI luckily, but I just want to stop jiggling like jello in a swimsuit. It's been a little tough to find support to lose weight. Most everyone thinks that if your not labeled obese you don't have to worry about losing weight or need to exercise and eat right. So i get teased when i go for lower calorie options and sometimes even get told I might have a disorder. I still eat pie, cookies, burgers, and junk, but just b/c i limit myself on it or decide to control myself and take smaller portions doesn't mean i have a problem. (that was a vent). But anyway, i'm getting married in September and we're having a honeymoon in the mountains where we'll have lots of outdoor adventures. I want to look great and feel more confident on my honeymoon and make sure I have the energy for so many outdoor adventures. I just want to feel better about my weight. And even if i don't lose the 10lbs, as long as i can feel the difference in my endurance and muscle strength and jiggle a little less, i'll be happy. I used to be able to run 2 miles in 16min (a personal best) and was stronger than i looked. I've let myself go recently and i want to get back to how fit i was, if not better than what i was. So, wish me luck. And thx for reading


  • Heather3186
    Awesome! Love this site too and am right there with you in just wanting to "tone it up" a bit, and have portion control, but still eat what you want! Best of Luck!!
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Welcome and good luck!

    One of my pet peeves is when someone who takes care of themselves gets joked at when they order healthy --- they are a healthy weight for a reason!!! I have a friend this happens to pretty frequently - she is a perfect weight, but she works to maintain it and people make flippant comments to her all the time.

    I think you demonstrate what a lot of people fail to realize, it takes work to remain a healthy weight.

    Good luck on your journey and best wishes for the wedding!!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    MFP defintely has helped me! I want to lsoe a total of 32 lbs and am down 13 lbs now. People have amde comments about noticing I lost weight and find it hard to believe I weighed what I did. I too just want to lose the extra little weight and TONE UP!!!!!! Like you I eat the junky foods in moderation, only so I won't binge on them at a later date due to depriving my sweet tooth! I choose salads with grilled chicken and lots of veggies whe going out for dinner or eat half or less of a meal and take the rest home for abother day.
    Logging my food on MFP has been the biggest eye opener and has helped me drop the extra pounds and keep going forward. Good luck to you on your journey!!!!!
    Congratulations on the upcoming wedding as well!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • RoxSaid
    RoxSaid Posts: 3 Member
    Just thought I'd say hi too! I'm kind of in the same boat, I only want to lose 10-15 pounds and get stronger. I've been on this site for a couple of months but I've only been actually using it for a week now. I mostly want to focus on portion control, not depriving myself of my favorite foods. Good luck to all of you!