Easy Prep & Filling Fruit

I've never been a major fresh fruit and veg eater and now i'm finding it really hard to get inspired - I won't eat skins of fruit and cant have charp knives at work with me so apples are kinda a no-no

Am looking for ideas of easily available fruit - perhaps try and get in my head a list of those which are lowest in calories per 100g first and then look at those which are a little more 'bad'

any suggestions?


  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Fruit are easy to keep fresh after you cut and peel them. Just keep them in Lemon Water, any acid really...it keeps that brown off.
  • LaurieEReid
    LaurieEReid Posts: 273
    Does "no skins" rule out grapes? 'cause I love grapes. I also eat oranges and bananas at work. A friend brings in a tupperware of cut, fresh pineapple, strawberries, blackberries and/or blueberries and munches that as snack.
  • heatherlfulton
    heatherlfulton Posts: 37 Member
    Cuties (Clementines) are compact sources and really easy to peel.
    Grapes, cherries, and berries are easy as you just wash and go.
    Pineapple pre-cut and ready to eat
    Baby Carrots, carrot sticks, celery sticks
    Cucumber & tomato salad (a little bit of baslamic vinegar goes well with this)

    Note to all - a vinegar and water mix sprayed on your fruits and veggies and then rinsed off with water will kill more germs than just washing off with water.