Starting P90x, any P90x vets or newbies?

HawkeyeMatt Posts: 12
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone, my name is Matt and I am a 39 year old that is on day 2 of the P90x program. I am choosing the classic workout and will do my best to work out 6 days a week even though it seems like a lot of time to invest in a workout program in my opinion. I need to lose 50 pounds, in time, and think this will be a good way to kick start my weight loss. I am also being realistic when I say I can't follow their strict diet guidelines to a T.

I will be eating a lot of what they recommend i.e. lean proteins, soy nuts, etc. But I also have a family with two young children and I know there will be times that I may eat something outside their recommendations. I still believe I will see results, just not as extreme as many of their before and after examples. With this attitude is it even worth continuing the program?

I would love to converse with others in the program if they want to hit me up with a friend request. Any insight is welcome and appreciated.


  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Just finishing more week! I love it and have had awesome results! Good luck!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    It's definitely worth it. I never followed the guide, just ate as clean as possible and I've gotten wonderful results.

    It's an amazing program, no matter how long you do it for. I love it because even after 2 round of it and 2 rounds of P90X +, I still get sore because it's an intense program. Not to mention, you can continually get results because you can continually keep upping your weight or reps when it comes to push ups and pull ups.

    I also love it because it gives me structure, which I need with my short attention span haha. Tony, even after all this time, still gets me with his bad jokes and still keeps me motivated. In fact I'm starting round 3 on Monday. Was supposed to start this week but I have been sick. Finally feeling much better and ready for the X again =]
  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    Me and my husband are currently in week 10 of P90X!! I have lost 9 lbs so far but I am really starting to see the changes now. In the first 60 days I was really discouraged in my progress but they say that it really happens in the last 30 so if it happens to you dont give up! I followed the programs nutrition guide but found that I was eating too many calories to lose weight. I followed the 2400 calorie diet first but after not losing much weight I went down to the 1800 calorie plan and it is working. My husband is getting awesome results also! Cant wait to do another round! Good luck and BRING IT!!
  • SandyLee1961
    SandyLee1961 Posts: 133 Member
    Ok - stupid newbie question - I keep hearing about this, but have not a clue what it is?
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    i start on Monday,............... done a few and it KILLED Me !!

    I hate it......but i love it !!!!!!!!11
  • Thanks Kat.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    Diet is equally if not more important than the workouts.

    I lost 34 pounds after 2 rounds of P90X and am currently on day 5 of Round 5. the only advice I'd like to give on nutrition is the programis not designed as a weight loss one. So the guide's calorie recommendations are for someone close to their ideal weight. My goal for this round is to drop 10 pounds which should get me to single digit body fat.

    I was 214 when I started and if I followed the guide I would have been at 3,00 calories, I actually ate at 2,200-2,300 na dhad plnety of energy and had great results. The program rocks!

    Feel free to friend me.

  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    I am just finishing up Insanity and plan to do P90X next, or in the very near future (after a short break -- Insanity takes a lot out of you). Feel free to add me as a friend! :)
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    You have the perfect attitude. All you need to do is push play. Eat healthy and enjoy your life with your family, otherwise, what's the point? It may seem like a lot of time to invest, however the return is astounding. I don't actually know anybody who has followed the nutritional plan perfectly, if at all, but I DO know tons of people who have had amazing results. Just stick with it and do your best. If you put in the work, it'll work for you.

    Good luck!
  • Thanks everyone that has replied so far. rjb0802 speaking of calories, my cousin who is about 10 years younger than I, told me I should limit my calories to 1,500 and I just wanted to laugh at him. I am thinking of staying between 1,800 to 2,300.
  • SandyLee1961
    SandyLee1961 Posts: 133 Member
    Is P90x a fitness video? I'm totally clueless! :)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Is P90x a fitness video? I'm totally clueless! :)

    It is a home workout DVD set, 12 DVD's total.
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    Hey man, I'm a P90x grad an I'm 3 weeks into my second go at it. I never really used their diet guide, I just stuck with this site and got great results. As long as you stay consistent with it, that's the key. Even if you can't do everything yet, do it as best as you can. The main thing is just don't stop. You WILL get better trust me. I've never done more than one pull-up in my whole life and I can do 10 easy now.

    If you have any questions, just let me know. Good luck.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    1500 is nuts. My base on here is 1660 and once I work out it goes up to around 2400. I have my goal set to half a pound a week as I'm very close to where I want to be. So that gives me 250 cals to play with, if I'm really hungry, I eat them all, if not, then I don't.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I hate to but in... since I've never done it... but I've been thinking about it recently. Has anyone done it in conjunction with another type of training? I'm training for a half marathon, but really want to tone up more as well...
  • I am on day 4 so I just started too. I don't think I will be able to stick that close to the nutrition part either but I am trying my best. I can't wait till the day I can actually do a pullup. Good luck!!
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    I was at week 6 before a funeral/buisness trip double whammy threw me off :(:(

    I start back on Monday, but I can say it is easily my favorite workout ever! It's challenging and I was so sad I couldn't work out these last two weeks because I had finally gotten to the point of super improvement!! Silly girly thing but I went from one chair dip to 15 in that time and it was so exciting. I don't follow the diet but I personally limit carbs and attempt eat back my exercise calories, I crash and I crash hard if I dont.

    Welcome to the club!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I hate to but in... since I've never done it... but I've been thinking about it recently. Has anyone done it in conjunction with another type of training? I'm training for a half marathon, but really want to tone up more as well...

    Emmaleigh47 is doing P90X and does 1/2 marathons. She has a race tomorrow as a matter of fact. I also do the program and have been doing a hybrid of P90X / Insanity/ a 5K training and races.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I hate to but in... since I've never done it... but I've been thinking about it recently. Has anyone done it in conjunction with another type of training? I'm training for a half marathon, but really want to tone up more as well...

    Emmaleigh47 is doing P90X and does 1/2 marathons. She has a race tomorrow as a matter of fact. I also do the program and have been doing a hybrid of P90X / Insanity/ a 5K training and races.

    Thank you =)
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