One day Motivation

Sometimes on here I forget to stick with groupsi or threads. Anyone else have that issue, join a thread and then dont check back in on it for quite some time?

I was just thinking maybe there should be a "TODAY" motivational thread. You dont have to come back here tomorrow or in a week.

Im hitting my workout tonight at about 10:30 since thats when my house will be asleep and I can have ME time. Hope the rest of you find a way to get it in there and HAVE FUN doing it too! We are all here for the same reason-- to get healthy and not make it a 30 day or 60 day mark ... but hopefully ... a lifestyle. Yep, I will have days I fall off, but Im getting right back on and leaving the past where it is.... the past.

Hope you will jpin me... just for TODAY... (and Ill see you tomorrow too, but on a new thread)



  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Very nice! I agree! I am going to work out after I get the kids and take them to a friends for a sleep over.
  • Tifiney_Rey
    Tifiney_Rey Posts: 9 Member
    I haven't had a chance to get to the gym either. Thats a great idea to do that after the kids go to bed!
  • teanabean
    teanabean Posts: 168 Member
    I agree, it is important to have that ME time. As mothers we often don't make the time for ourselves and fall into the trap of believing we don't have the time. We just have to learn to make the time.
  • stephfilako
    stephfilako Posts: 113 Member
    I try really hard to make 10:30 pm MY workout time! Everyone goes to bed and I knock one out and hit the shower! Its the only time I KNOW I can make to get it done!