Starting P90x, any P90x vets or newbies?



  • michelegrayson
    I am in Round 2 (month 2) of P90x and I love it! i was doing the lean version the first round but I moved to classic as I am doing cardio every morning and the P90x is for strength/ weight training. I don't burn as many calories as I do running or biking (though I came close today in Ploymetrics!) but I definitely am starting to see muscle tone.

    I don't follow the diet plan at all but I have definitely increased my protein intake. I do this while staying in my daily calorie goals from MFP. The additional workout a day gives me plenty of room for more protein!

    Good luck. You will not regret it!
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    I will be eating a lot of what they recommend i.e. lean proteins, soy nuts, etc. But I also have a family with two young children and I know there will be times that I may eat something outside their recommendations. I still believe I will see results, just not as extreme as many of their before and after examples. With this attitude is it even worth continuing the program?
    Absolutely -- because when you "mess up" you won't worry so much about it. We're all human and can only do so much. I missed 6 of my Insanity workouts through the 63 days for various scheduling/laziness/fatigue reasons....and I plan to do them after I finish the "official" program. And I allowed myself cheat meals and cheat food days. And I've still lost almost 18 pounds.....check my pictures on my profile (that was only 4 weeks in!) -- new pics coming next week. Go for it, and just do your best. That's all anyone can ask. You will see good results no matter what.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    im on week 3 of my 2nd round its tough but stick with it. i lost 25lbs first time around dropped two pant sizes as well
  • moranimal
    moranimal Posts: 18
    That is a much better idea. Stick to the higher end of that too if you are going full bore on the workouts. Check out my buddy, user wan2b21. He is a P90X grad and my motivation. I started about 5 weeks ago but got injured (not related to the program) 2 weeks in and have only been running since. Starting again today.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Round 2 is almost over for me but i love it so much i will be starting round 3 right away!!! ;-)