What's the best way to lose belly fat/pooch

kristidem Posts: 160 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
What are good ways to lose the belly fat / pooch? I've been doing cardio, pilates, PIYO, crunches, etc and haven't seen results in the tummy area (though underlying muscles are firmer).


  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    It's genetic. Different people store fat differently, you can't spot reduce fat in problem areas. You have to reduce overall bodyfat.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    reducing your body fat %. Try starting to strength train more, and keep up with cardio too.
  • sharoniballoni
    sharoniballoni Posts: 163 Member
    I have the same issue. I have always been slender, but carry my weight in my middle. The ONLY way to flatten it is to lose weight overall. You cannot spot reduce. It doesn't matter what exercises you do. You just have to watch what you eat. Also, you can be really fit and thin and have a pooch. That can be water retention or bloat. That will go away depending on what you eat and drink.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Ab exercises will not get rid of it. Only diet with exercise weight loss can do that for you. That is all I have left as well and SLOWLY whittling it away.
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    NUTRITION! If you want a good set of abs and a defined core you need to watch what you put in your body. Keep it clean. Complex carbs, plenty of veggies.
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    What are good ways to lose the belly fat / pooch? I've been doing cardio, pilates, PIYO, crunches, etc and haven't seen results in the tummy area (though underlying muscles are firmer).

    Yeah, you cannot spot reduce, you are going to have to do something to reduce the fat all over your body, and then the stomach fat will begin to drop off too!! I will shoot you an email with how I can help you!! :smile:
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    It starts in the kitchen! That's what the experts say anyway.

    You have to lose overall weight to actually show off those abs you've been working hard on. They are there. Just hidden. My doctor always tells me my stomach muscles are strong. I always walk away from that apt thinking to myself "yeah, but they are hidden under fat!"
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    reducing your body fat %. Try starting to strength train more, and keep up with cardio too.

    This. Focus on weights/strength/resistance training and use cardio as a supplement to it. And you do have eat as healthy and cleanly as you can. Lots of fruits and fibrous veggies lots of protein (1g per pound of goal body weight). I'm still working on the clean eating. I don't deprive myself but I am doing this very slowly and I feel healthier and better than I ever have. If only I had known this 20 years ago.

    Since starting lifting I have dropped 4mm on my body fat calipers (abdominal pinch). I started a little over a month ago. 5 months of calorie restriction and cardio didn't do this (I still worry about how much muscle mass I lost during this time). And you get to eat more!! You need to to fuel your body for the workouts. I love it!!

    You can be skinny but have a belly because you lost more muscle mass than fat mass. The body tries to protect our fat reserves and will eat into muscle mass for the energy it needs. (calorie restriction and intense cardio cause muscle loss. Anorexics' body fat percentage as body weight actually goes up because they lose so much muscle mass).
  • magpie8402
    magpie8402 Posts: 121 Member
    I noticed that the more water I drink, the more I notice changes in my mid-section. Good Luck!
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    Have you had a c-sec? any abd surgery? how much wt did you gain with a pregnancy? Dont know if any of those apply- but sometimes the rectus muscles do not get back to the 6 pack abs we all crave- it is genetic some people have kids or surgery and do just fine others not so much- I have heard Pilates-core work and lots of cardio with an overall body fat loss- but if it stretched muscles it may always be there. :sad:
  • Hanna82
    Hanna82 Posts: 138 Member
  • boomsmom
    boomsmom Posts: 60 Member
    I too have a little pooch. It is directly over my c-section scare from when I had my son. I continue trying to at least shrink it and it has shrunk a lot, but I think it will always be there a little unless I have surgery and I'm not doing that. So I just keep trying. Good luck and if you find any secret solutions, anyone, share PLEASE!!!
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    Nutrition is key!!! You have to lower your body fat by eating healthy meals, do your strength training and cardio.
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/218228-5-month-transformation-w-pic Check out this fine lady. She is going to post a blog about how she accomplished what you are about to see!!
  • It's genetic. Different people store fat differently, you can't spot reduce fat in problem areas. You have to reduce overall bodyfat.

    Hit the nail on the head!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    I agree, it depends on you and your genetics.. my tummy is the last place i lose. even when i was thin and light and really fit 10 years ago, i still had the tummy...

    hate it!

    now, i've had 2 babies, 2 c-sections and a abdomen full of stretch marks, i think it will take surgery to even begin to resolve it once i hit my goal weight.
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