good exercise plan?

I have recently started jogging and walking, i am planning to exercise 5 times weekly, does anyone have any exercise tips/techniques that will help me lose this flab? Thanks :) Amanda


  • emyback68
    emyback68 Posts: 89
    Consistency is the most important thing. Commit to exercise your 5 times a week (that is a good number to start with). When you walk, make sure you are getting your heart rate up. It also would not hurt to add some strength training a few times a week. Start slow. If you don't have weights, use soup cans. Do push ups. Anything to start building some lean muscle.
    If you stick with it, you will meet your goals.
  • robdog316
    robdog316 Posts: 12 Member
    Diet! Weight loss begins and ends with your diet. You can exercise all you want but if your diet is not in check you will see no results.
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    Your diet is the main key! Be consistent and you will see the results you want!!!
  • haydensmommy30
    AWWW!! Way to go on jogging!!! I'm still trying to get to that point!! Lol!! :smile:
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    Start off slow and work your way up. Most definitely don't skip out on the weight training with free weights. Lifting weights will help boost your metabolism.
    If money isn't and issue and you want an accurate calorie burn, get a HRM(heart rate monitor). A lot of people here use the brand Polar and they do work great. I have bought 2 FT40's and they are excellent. (EBay will be the best place to buy b/c they are cheaper.)

    Hope that is good start.
  • Homer3D
    Homer3D Posts: 318
    As stated before, diet will be very important. For working out, I personally like circuit training.
  • marysimmons
    marysimmons Posts: 35 Member
    I agree Strngth Trainning, Good Diet and getting your heart rate up is key!! Also lots and lots of water!!! I drink over a 100 oz a day and it just has the weight coming off like nothing. Good luck!!!!