Am i being too strict on myself?

I haven't had ANY junk in 2 weeks... i find myself craving big time though esp carb days after something like pasta. Hubby is a cook and brought home a pork sandwich on like fried parm bread and french fries i just about had to walk away.. i kept saying i was mad that he brought that temptation into the house but he can afford the extra pounds i can't. He finally ripped off a small piece of his sandwich and about 6 french fries and said here just have a little bit. I haven't tried eating my old favorites for fear that i will go overboard. The plate with that food sat in front of me for almost an hour and wow was i tempted but it was 10:30 at night the food was VERY bad for me and even if i wanted a couple bites the fact that it was sooo late at night would have made it stick to me badly... instead i went to bed with 2 triscuit crackers.. but i don't know if im having bad cravings like this because i have been depriving myself too much... what should i do in these situations? My calories would have allowed it but a pulled pork sandwich is bad bad news plus the cheesy parm bread and friend/salted french fries.


  • cacrat
    cacrat Posts: 336 Member
    If your calories would have allowed it, why not? You can't gain weight with a diet below maintenance. Give yourself a day where you can splurge a little. It helps not only for the mind but the body too.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I like what you did instead. I don't cave into all of my cravings, I like to sit on them for at least a week. If it is still there I may have one bite, or a VERY small portion.
    Food is to give your body energy, there is no reason to consume crap, I feel it is the wrong way to look at food and what got me into trouble in the first place.

    Im giving you a big pat on the back!
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    um sometimes being strict with one self yields better results. those just "one day" can set you back many days if your on a mission stick with it.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    The question to ask yourself is : is this something I'm willing to deny myself for the rest of my life?

    Learning moderation in our favorite foods is probably one of the hardest - but most valuable - of lessons. That's what I'd do anyway.
  • 38Gigi38
    38Gigi38 Posts: 115 Member
    I try really hard not to deprive myself too much, because cutting all the things you love out of your diet completely will make for a binge later. It's a life change, and in order to stick with it you need to allow yourself some things you enjoy. Like yesterday I wanted french fries with my george foreman grilled hamburger so I worked out so that I could have them. I worked for it, so I don't feel guilty about having it.
  • StarfilledNight
    Take my advice and just have a snack or a meal that you are craving. I was in the same situation for awhile and kept thinking that the second I eat junk I'll lose all my progress and mindset. I learned the hard way that the longer you wait, the worse it will be. If you are craving something like a pork sandwhich or a krispy kreme doughnut (in my place), have it! because if you don't, or you keep trying to replace it with something healthier but similar, you will just keep trying to replace it or put it off. Eat it, don't regret it either. It's okay to let go once in a while. It keeps us all sane. Whatever you are craving most, eat it and get it out of the way so you can get back into the perfect mindset of you diet.

    I put cravings off a couple times to learn that the sooner I just allow myself to let go here and there and have something, the better it was for my diet. I put it off once way to long and did end up going overboard. I had like double the calories for two days. It wasn't good. Let go here and there though. It's probablly good for you.
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    Even if i wanted a bite i knew it was a bad idea esp being so late at night and no time to get in a work out afterwards. But my calories were on at 1279 yesterday so like i said i probably could have at least had a french fry but i didn't. I am allowed 2210 calories/day. It was very hard esp sitting there watching him eat it!
  • wannabefree
    wannabefree Posts: 32 Member
    I indulge myself once in a while because I think that if I don't I will just go off one day and blow everything. I've lost 19 lbs since Jan and I watch what I eat all week and on the weekends I try not to worry as much. I get back on board on Mondays and that seems to work for me. Don't be so hard on yourself.
  • carol7323
    carol7323 Posts: 10 Member
    I give myself a craving or two but I make sure that it doesn't push me over my calorie limit. I also make sure that for the next week or 2 I stick to my plan. You did great sticking it out and protecting your goals. However, limiting & depriving yourself too much can lead to a binge of fulfilled cravings.

    Find something you like and give yourself that. I love sweets but I limit it to dark chocolate or Luna bars only. Luna bars will make you think you are cheating when you really aren't.
  • veggeslady
    I say that I am proud of you not many can do that but you do need to enjoy life too. So it is a tough decision but for me if I eat carbs past 5 I bloat real bad. It is up to you!!
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    The question to ask yourself is : is this something I'm willing to deny myself for the rest of my life?

    Learning moderation in our favorite foods is probably one of the hardest - but most valuable - of lessons. That's what I'd do anyway.

    I totally agree with this. Granted I do turn away from temptations on a daily basis, but I do let myself have some stuff, just in very small portions. And when I do this, I am still within my calorie limits. I've always been told that if you keep denying yourself, one day you're going to induldge too much and go overboard!
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    I haven't had ANY junk in 2 weeks... i find myself craving big time though esp carb days after something like pasta.

    Good for you! Wow, that is self discipline and you made a point to not give in so I bet hubby will take you decision to eat better more serious in the future. I found that most of my carb cravings were also triggered by pasta and other carbs. They really got better when I switched to whole grain foods (breads and pasta). Try that and see if it does not help a little. But, I do still have the occasional treat, but I don't start craving more and more. What a great job you are doing, congrats!
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    also i like to mention as a food addict i have to avoid sugar like the plague. that great for those that can do moderations but real life for me is no it can not be in the house period i will eat it two will be come three ect. so in the end it how you think if you can control yourself go for it. i dont eat bread or sugar and im not dead and it almost two years and ive kept the weight off i dont feel deprive it just one of my crosses to carry. craving is something natural your body will always do it doesn't mean you actually need chocolate it all a mind thing you will not die if you never ate chocolate again.
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    Learning moderation in our favorite foods is probably one of the hardest - but most valuable - of lessons.

    Absolutely. Burn out is a big factor when it comes to dieting. Why do you think so many people give up?

    You have to be open to allowing yourself some indulgences, without the guilt (because the emotion of GUILT can sometimes bring on the urges to binge.). Being healthy is a lifetime commitment. Utterly denying yourself something or over-indulging in it gives that Something far too much control.
  • marybecker
    marybecker Posts: 8 Member
    I think you did the right thing. It takes so much work to lose weight and get healthy. Why blow it for a pork sandwich which has nothing healthy in it.

    Your dedication is paying off. Keep up the good work.
  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
    That is some will power. You should be proud of yourself. :smile: :drinker:
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    Even if i wanted a bite i knew it was a bad idea esp being so late at night and no time to get in a work out afterwards. But my calories were on at 1279 yesterday so like i said i probably could have at least had a french fry but i didn't. I am allowed 2210 calories/day. It was very hard esp sitting there watching him eat it!

  • JeepOnRock
    You have to do what works for you. We all have different experiences. Personally, I have learned to moderate most of my temptations. I LOVE jelly beans, but instead of hammering half a bag, I know that 14 of them is 150 calories. So, either 7 or 14 of them find their way into my diet once or twice a week. That may or may not work for you.

    What I can pass along concretely is this... If you go the wrong way at some point, move on and don't beat yourself up over it.
  • ReneeOfTheFae
    Ooh! That's rough! My dad was the kind of guy that would go out and buy junk practically the instant my mom ever uttered a syllable of the word "diet." He continued that (though always subconsciously) throughout my formative years. It took a long time to break that habit for myself; trying to eat better, but having something bad in the house anyway. If it's not there, at least for the most difficult part (the first few weeks), then it won't tempt you. I totally understand!
    Even if your calories would have allowed it, it sounds like you would have beaten yourself up over having put such bad food into your body. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, it seems. But, at least not eating it will make you stronger in many ways! Being strict is important when you're trying to get you body and mind on track to a better, healthier lifestyle. That is, being strict in the sense of eating well and exercising. However, if you are throwing yourself below the "1200 or less calories" bus, then I'd say you're being too strict. If you really want that sandwich the next day, google a healthier version that you can make yourself. Same with the fries, get a medium potato, cut it up, lightly season it with a little olive oil and herbs and bake that sucker for a healthier version of french fries. You don't have to completely ignore your cravings, just try looking for a better alternative when you can't seem to shake 'em!

    Good luck, chica! And tell your husband that he's sleeping on the couch the next time he brings food into the house that knows you want, but can't have! :P
  • DJmom44
    DJmom44 Posts: 91
    Even if i wanted a bite i knew it was a bad idea esp being so late at night and no time to get in a work out afterwards. But my calories were on at 1279 yesterday so like i said i probably could have at least had a french fry but i didn't. I am allowed 2210 calories/day. It was very hard esp sitting there watching him eat it!
    If your calorie allowance was 2210 and you only ate 1279, my opinion is that you're not eating enough. And you shouldn't feel deprived...this is a lifestyle change. You can't go the rest of your life feeling deprived or you will hit a point where you binge. Are you eating your allotment of carbs according to MFP? You shouldn't be cutting them out all together. Maybe your body is telling you it needs the carbs.