hello everyone :)

creamy06 Posts: 4
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi im Jasmine! :)))))) Im 18, 5'7 183 pounds. Im here trying to get a start to a better me. I have a goal of being 150 pounds "atleast" by August. Think i can do it? I hope i can :) I would appreciate any support given an im super friendly sooo yea any tips?? thanks everyone.


  • Kelnurse
    Kelnurse Posts: 145
    Hi Jasmine! Welcome, you've come to the right place for support AND friendly people! :smile: My name is Kelly and I have been with MFP for about 2 months now. I LOVE IT! :love:
  • creamy06
    creamy06 Posts: 4
    wow! two months! i hope i make it that long,i have this bad habit of giving up but hopefully i can manage this time using this :) thanks for being my first friend here! :happy:
  • Kelnurse
    Kelnurse Posts: 145
    Ur very welcome and YES u WILL make it 2 months +++++++!!! I find this site to be somewhat addicting, which in this case is a good thing haha! Also when I read over my friends daily food and exercise log it keeps me motivated to continue on this journey!!
  • Hmf414
    Hmf414 Posts: 30
    HI Jasmine, I've been on this site almost 2 weeks. I really like it. (:
  • creamy06
    creamy06 Posts: 4
    hi thanks for posting,i hope i can stay two weeks WISH ME LUCK :wink:
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