I almost made myself puke... please help

trapped Posts: 17
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I don't even know why, but tonite I ate a huge bag of chips (the whole bag, I couldn't stop) and then one and a half chocolate bars. I couldn't stop eating. I seem to do this every weekend. My stomach hurts and I feel like I'm going to burst open. I was stressed out and just wanted to eat - half way through the bag I knew I wasn't hungry anymore but I kept eating because I didn't want to be tempted by the rest of the bag tomorrow.

My stomach hurts and I went to the bathroom. I stuck my fingers down my throat - and then I stopped. I couldn't bring myself to do it because I know I would feel too ashamed if anyone knew what I was doing. Usually I'm the one people turn to for advice.

I don't know what to do. Would making myself throw up just once make me bulimic? Does anyone have any advice? :(


  • LindseyC87
    LindseyC87 Posts: 178 Member
    Dont get on that slippery slide. You do it once and its easy to start doing.. It will make you think its ok to eat a bag of chips, cuz I can make it come right back up.

    Just consider this falling off the wagon and start tomorrow fresh.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Dont get on that slippery slide. You do it once and its easy to start doing.. It will make you think its ok to eat a bag of chips, cuz I can make it come right back up.

    Just consider this falling off the wagon and start tomorrow fresh.

    Very well said. Don't do it just start fresh tomorrow.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I don't even know why, but tonite I ate a huge bag of chips (the whole bag, I couldn't stop) and then one and a half chocolate bars. I couldn't stop eating. I seem to do this every weekend. My stomach hurts and I feel like I'm going to burst open. I was stressed out and just wanted to eat - half way through the bag I knew I wasn't hungry anymore but I kept eating because I didn't want to be tempted by the rest of the bag tomorrow.

    My stomach hurts and I went to the bathroom. I stuck my fingers down my throat - and then I stopped. I couldn't bring myself to do it because I know I would feel too ashamed if anyone knew what I was doing. Usually I'm the one people turn to for advice.

    I don't know what to do. Would making myself throw up just once make me bulimic? Does anyone have any advice? :(
    A lot of us have been there. I have gone on binges just like that and did make myself throw up. Not because I didn't want the calories but because I was so sick I couldn't lie down. I did learn to stop before I get to that point. But there is a full moon coming and whenever it does I find I go a little cazy.
    I couldn't sleep so I came down and binged on 3 gram crackers with peanutbutter and jelly and a whole salad. Now the chips sound good too.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I say lesson learned. Maybe next time you want that bag of chips you will remember the aweful stomach ache! I have done this too and now I know that anything like that in excess causes me to feel horrible and I avoid it at all costs.

    I do not think making yourself throw up once will lead to an ED. Years ago when I had way too much to eat I had to throw up just because I was so grossly sick but never allowed myself to eat that much or throw up like that again.

    Brush yourself off and hit the exercises a little harder tomorrow.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi, I'm definitely no expert but I myself have struggled with emotional eating or over-eating triggered by stress etc.
    It's a really hard process to change but now instead of turning to food when I'm stressed or angry or frustrated or sad, bored whatever the case may be I "soothe" or "comfort" myself through other means like taking a hot relaxing bath with epsom salts and lighting candles and listening to music. Or I call a friend or family member or sit and talk with my husband about what's bothering me. Or I blow off steam by getting in a good workout or going for a walk.
    It's really difficult to re-train your brain on how to actually deal with your emotions instead of eating them ;)
    I hope this makes sense. Try to be more kind to yourself & more patient with yourself. Listen to your body and don't be afraid to feel your feelings and work through your emotions instead of eating to numb yourself or zone out.

    I hope that helps somewhat!
    Take care of yourself! :flowerforyou:
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Just get back on track tomorrow and maybe try to work out a little bit more tomorrow! And next time you are tempted to binge eat try and remember how crappy you felt!
  • abaker768
    abaker768 Posts: 79 Member
    I did that tonight with a bag of white chocolate covered pretzels
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    been there, had a greasy sandwich and fries and when I got home I throw it up and then I realized that my body didn't want it ether it was all in my head that I wanted to eat that, It helped me a lot learning that. listen to your body
  • trapped
    trapped Posts: 17
    I feel like such a fugly tool :( And my tummy really hurts. Most of all I feel ashamed. This happens every weekend.
  • killer_cupcake
    killer_cupcake Posts: 45 Member
    Just start fresh!! everybody has set backs. the day before yesterday i sliped up. i ate two tacos and two gronola bars and i kept sneeking food to eat off and on and i was sooooo tempted to throw up but thats not the example i want for my daughter. keep strong. Having set backs only make you stronger and should boost you up to wanting to lose that weight.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • AnneMK5
    AnneMK5 Posts: 110
    I used to do that too, eat until I felt sick and was ashamed of myself. I would sneak food too when others weren't eating. And emotional/stressed out eating was the worse. Then one day last November I came across an magazine article about eating disorders. Compulsive Overeating being one of them. Every symptom they listed set off warning bells in my head and my thoughts were "that's me" to all of them. I then went to the library and picked up some books, one of them called "why can't I stop eating" and I started going to Overeaters Anonymous meetings.
    Sugars and fats cause an addictive reaction in our brain just like drugs and alcohol do. That's why it is so hard to stop eating them.
    For me, the best thing has been abstinence. I don't eat anything with sugar. No junk food. No fast food. Nothing with flour in it either. It's has been over 3 months since the last time I had anything like that. The first week or so was very very hard but I knew the only way to stop the cycle was to stay away from those things.
    As each day has gone by I feel better and better. Yes, I still have cravings but have found healthy alternatives. When/if the day ever comes that I give into those cravings and have something I shouldn't I know I will get right back to being abstinent and I will forgive myself.
  • arosegeo
    arosegeo Posts: 254 Member
    i know how you feel being the one everyone else turns to, its hard to ask for help,

    but i had a very similer issue tonight, i lost my keys and i still cant find them and all i wanted was to have milk and cookies, but ive noticed posting for help works, im really proud of you for posting. Its ok to mess up sometimes, dont beat yourself up
  • deanna324
    deanna324 Posts: 58 Member
    The best advice I can give you is this....don't buy the chips and chocolate. If they are in the house, you will eat them. I have to totally leave that kind of stuff at the store. It is a lot easier to leave it there than to leave it alone once it's at your home.
  • alexbowser
    alexbowser Posts: 322
    I used to binge everyday after school in middle school. I was bullied at school and eating felt like the only escape. Most of the weight I have now is a result of that.

    We can't do this anymore, eating till we feel like we're going to burst, feeling ashamed. It has to stop, we need to be happy.

    Last week I had a bunch of friends over and my dad ordered pizza. I meant to eat one slice, but somehow I ended up standing in my kitchen alone scarfing down another 2 pieces that I didn't even want. People came over again tonight and we got pizza, but I remembered how I felt before, and just made myself something else to eat. When I get stressed or fight with my family, all I want to do is eat. People think fat people are just lazy and that's why they gain weight, but it couldn't be more wrong. So many of us are hurting and don't know how to stop.
  • My DH wanted a pie last night, and we had a frozen one, so I baked it for him and when I wanted it, I instead made myself a smoothie with frozen fruit and greek vanilla yogurt. That really made me feel like I had something special and I was so full afterwards!! I think the trick is to be prepared, track everything you eat...if you bite it, write it and this site has really helped me with that!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Making yourself sick isnt a very pleasant experience. It hurts your stomach and diaphram for days after and makes you think you've injured yourself. And the act of puking is putrid and disgusting. I think you end up feeling more disgusted with yourself than if you just ate the crisps and chocolate and just left it. (I'm speaking from experience here!)

    I'd say its not worth considering. I really dont understand how bulimics put themselves throught that 3x day! But obviously it's a mental illness as well as a physical act.

    I've obviously binged (I think most people with weight issues have?), but its usually a one off every now and again, as I just dont like the feeling of being that stuffed. If its that regular, perhaps you should join a group for binge eaters? I know they exist on the internet. You will probably find more help there?

    Good luck, I hope you can sort it out :flowerforyou:
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    I hope when you wake up this morning you feel better. I have been where you are, just this week, and binging is never fun. But don't start the throwing up thing, its not good for your body or spirit. So you freaked out and ate a bunch of food. Its not the end of the world. It doesn't make you a failure, it won't make you gain 20lbs, as long as its a one-time thing. Or even an every once in a while thing. ((HUGS))
  • trapped
    trapped Posts: 17
    Thanks everyone for your support. It means a lot. <3
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Once is all it takes. I used to barf on a regular basis in highschool, but it honestly catches up to you, which is why I'm so fat right now, LOL.
  • Comfortableme
    Comfortableme Posts: 33 Member
    I agree. I have made a commitment to myself that I would log everything I ate no matter how high the caloric total went. I find it so helpful in the evening to see if I have any calories left for a snack. Sometimes it is pudding (made with either soy milk or skim milk), smoothie, portioned out size of girl scout cookies, etc. The most important factor is being able to see how I am eating and what changes I need to stay within my total calorie amount. Also, if I am going to indulge, I know I can exercise and track the calories so it does not affect my weight loss. Adding in the extra exercise to compensate for the treat is working for me.

    Down 25 lbs since the end of December 2010 - thanks to my daughter-in-law and son. I will be ever so grateful for her finding this application, that I have on my phone, so I can log every time something goes in my mouth.
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