When did YOU notice a difference?



  • labgirl3
    labgirl3 Posts: 171 Member
    I noticed a difference in clothes after about 10 lbs. I could really see a difference in the mirror after about 20 lbs (especially face and belly). Most people started noticing around 40 lbs, and now I get comments all the time! :smile:
  • globe_trekker
    globe_trekker Posts: 20 Member
    The fabric bunching is a great indicator! And the support and positive words from a mate are awesome.

    To me, probably around 8-10lbs I noticed that my face looked a bit slimmer, and by now I thought it would be more obvious, though hardly anyone has commented. But I shall keep on truckin' as I feel so much better standing, walking, just being with less weight on me, even 2 lbs make a big difference with how I feel or fit in my existing clothes.
  • hbon
    hbon Posts: 5
    I think it depends on one's size. Sometimes the larger you are, the more weight loss it takes to see a difference. People started commenting about me around 20 lbs lost but others didn't realize it until I'd lost 30 lbs. I saw my parents 2 weeks ago after not having seen them since Christmas and they were shocked at my appearance (in a good way). The past 2 weeks have been really tough on me for various reasons. I've danced around the same 8 lbs for a month! The past 2 weeks have been really hard to stick to a healthy eating plan. But I'm happy to say that I'm back on track and have managed to lose all of the weight gained and now weigh less than I can ever remember weighing. For some reason, I can REALLY see a difference in my face.

    I think seeing a difference in your body also depends on what type of exercise you're doing and your body type. Most people have commented on the change in my face, breasts, and tush! LOL :smile:
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    When I was on the treadmill one day and noticed I wasn't jiggling. Woohoo! (About 7 pounds down at that point.)