I almost made myself puke... please help



  • shrinkingviolet23
    shrinkingviolet23 Posts: 31 Member
    I was bulimic since I was 14 (I'm 25 now) and it's really not a nice way to go. Your teeth rot (I have a mouthful of fillings), you get fat once you stop (my metabolism is goosed) and you're all round miserable. It's hard and I've learned that there are certain foods that will trigger this feeling so I've trained myself not have multipacks in the house etc. It's great that you've spotted the signs early and even better that you've noticed a pattern (you say you do this every weekend). Now is the time to work out why. Are you bored? Are you sad? Do you just really want potato chips? That's when you can start to change. Maybe buy a small pack so you can't go all out. Or do something like painting your nails to stave off the boredom (I do a french manicure most nights as it's really time consuming!). Wishing you all the luck in the world xxx
  • rakelros
    rakelros Posts: 67
    As you get further on in your life changing, then slowly you´ll want to stop eating "junk foods" alltogether.
    Your body doesn´t really want that food, but it takes your brain a little longer to catch up with that thinking. Took me 3 months ...
    If I ever want junk food these days, usually 1-2 pcs is enough (yes 1-2 crisps, or 1-2 bites of a chocolate) to get my tongue "bleghing" and my brain thinking: WTF is this???

    I did binge on my first few weeks, cause my sugar craving was just that high. Now I rarely put sugar in anything. I prefer Agave syrup if I really really can´t eat that food without a little sweetness. (such as my AB milk in the morning).

    Good luck on your journey !
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    The best advice I can give you is this....don't buy the chips and chocolate. If they are in the house, you will eat them. I have to totally leave that kind of stuff at the store. It is a lot easier to leave it there than to leave it alone once it's at your home.

  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    I also suffer from binge eating. I try to not keep my trigger foods in the house. It's hard cuz i have kids and sometimes you just gotta buy the stuff. I also found that by eliminating flour, wheat, and sugar (mostly) from my diet, the cravings do go away. The first week or so of detox is hell, but after that it gets alot easier. Food addicts anonymous have a great website that gives a list of good foods and triggers. Give it a shot, it might help. I remember the nights of eating and cooking and eating some more til I felt like my stomach would pop. I have also tried to make myself puke with no sucess. It sux. I feel for ya. Friend me if you like.
  • rakelros
    rakelros Posts: 67
    Oh yeah. One trick I use when I feel a craving.
    I eat 6-8 almonds and leave it at that. 10 minutes later I feel so full that I´ve completely lost the craving :)
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