Out of breath!

I HATE being out of breath! I mean I hate it A LOT! I always thought if someone was out of breath it meant they were out of shape. I see athletes out of breath after they run... Maybe it doesnt mean you are out of shape?

What does it mean when you are out of breath? Some of you know I will start running soon... I am sure I will get out of breath at one point... As you run more for instance... Will it take longer for you to get out of breath? Is there ever a time where you will never be out of breath again?


  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    I HATE being out of breath! I mean I hate it A LOT! I always thought if someone was out of breath it meant they were out of shape. I see athletes out of breath after they run... Maybe it doesnt mean you are out of shape?

    What does it mean when you are out of breath? Some of you know I will start running soon... I am sure I will get out of breath at one point... As you run more for instance... Will it take longer for you to get out of breath? Is there ever a time where you will never be out of breath again?
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    In my RPM class the instructor works us to "breathless" then we have a recovery period. I am in the best shape I have ever been in, but yes, I still get out of breath. I think it has more to do with your heartrate going up than being out of shape. I have noticed it takes more to get my heartrate to that Breathless stage than it did 6 months ago.
    You just have to make sure to give yourself recovery periods when you get to that breathless stage.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Anyone can become breathless. It's not totally about fitness levels--but people with higher fitness levels need to work harder to become breathless. Previous to my current training for a marathon, I could barely run a mile without becoming breathless. Now I talk while I jog 8 miles. Part of it is pacing, and part of it is that my body has become more efficient at oxygen transport and uptake. If I sprint, I still become breathless, because sprinting is anaerobic by nature, so I will never have enough oxygen to support speech, let alone maintaining a sprint for longer than several seconds. Being out of breath doesn't mean you're out of shape, it just means that you don't have enough oxygen for the demands of your physical activity. It's all about what GETS you to that point. If you are out of breath walking from one room to another, you have poor CV fitness. If you are only out of breath while running full-out, you're probably in very good CV fitness.
  • gnu1971
    gnu1971 Posts: 37 Member
    Ditto on the recovery periods....

    ...and, as you become more CV fit, the recovery periods (heart rate) become shorter. And your resting heart rate usually goes down a little too. It's all good!!! :smile:
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    How do you become more "CV" fit?
  • mbb8682
    mbb8682 Posts: 262 Member
    Can anyone help me I am trying to put up my goal of weight lost and what I have to go I can't seem to find the spot to make it show up????