Best time for breakfast???

riley711 Posts: 298 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
At the very beginning of this journey, I did not eat breakfast. Eating in the morning usually made me sleepy or sluggish. The only constant for me in the mornings is my morning cup of coffee. However, everyone says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So, I have started trying to eat a little something in the mornings. But on days where I have to actually go into my office, I have a two-hour commute, so I don't eat until after I get to work. So, approximately 4 hours elapse between when I get up and when I get to eat something. Will this hurt my metabolism, or is it okay to wait to eat breakfast?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    It's best to eat when you first get up. Grab a string cheese and an apple. Or something you can eat on the fly.
  • blueeyedtraveler
    blueeyedtraveler Posts: 209 Member
    As a general rule, I eat breakfast within 30 minutes of getting up. I have been told and have read that that is the best for you.

    It just starts your body on the burning process right away and if you're eating the right foods, it will give you energy, not make you sluggish or sleepy.

    Good luck to you!
  • V44V
    V44V Posts: 366 Member
    In the morning...
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I usually get up by 6:30 and eat breakfast when I get to work at 9. I have started having a chai tea latte in the morning that is made with lowfat milk and a half of a scoop of protein powder, so I get a "treat" of Vanilla Chai and then I eat oatmeal when I get to work with nuts, fresh berries and a drizzle of maple syrup most days :) The most important part of breakfast to me is the protein, I find that when I have the protein powder or eggs/meat for breakfast my ENTIRE day goes better :)
  • As a general rule, I eat breakfast within 30 minutes of getting up. I have been told and have read that that is the best for you.

    It just starts your body on the burning process right away and if you're eating the right foods, it will give you energy, not make you sluggish or sleepy.

    Good luck to you!

    this is what im told yet i am rarely hungry in the am
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I never at breakfast either, but it has really helped me to start eating breakfast! I usually try to eat within half an hour of waking up. It took a little time to get used to, but it is really good to jump start your metabolism fairly soon after getting up. Eating breakfast gives me more energy and eating a good breakfast keeps me from eating junk food the rest of the day. I'm no expert but personally I have found that eating breakfast and then eating every 1-2 hours throughout the day gives me way more energy than when I didn't eat that often. Depending on if you eat at night after dinner you could be going 12 or more hours without eating which does slow down your metabolism.
  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    Coffee jump starts your metabolism like breakfast does..or at least thats what I've read/heard/etc.
  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    Coffee jump starts your metabolism like breakfast does..or at least thats what I've read/heard/etc.
  • irtloz
    irtloz Posts: 7
    I usually eat a piece of fruit or something small, then eat breakfast after my workout.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Within a half hour of rising! Of course for some of us that doesn't always happen that way. I definitely have my coffee within that first half hour. lol:bigsmile:
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    I’m copying some info I posted in another thread that may help you with this question:

    Here is the reason breakfast is important (and not just another eating opportunity that you can make up for during the day). Since it is hormones that control our metabolism, we have to be aware that different hormones are released when we sleep (also very important) than when we are active. What we eat first thing in the morning can take advantage of those hormones and give us a metabolic boost. The number I often see recommended is 500 calorie breakfast, with at least 30% of those calories coming from protein.

    Here is another explanation from Fitness Magazine:

    "It will switch your metabolism from idle to high speed. That's because your level of cortisol, a hormone that helps you use calories to build muscle, is highest just before you get up in the morning. When you eat an a.m. meal, your body is primed to turn those calories into muscle pronto -- the only time during the day this happens. Take advantage of the natural torching process by having a healthy breakfast of scrambled eggs, low-fat turkey bacon, and a piece of whole-grain toast.”
  • ansy96
    ansy96 Posts: 55
    I breakfast when I get up and I feel very well. I eat muesli, omlette or toasted bread with butter, meat (ham) or cheese with tea. And if I still feel sleepy I drink some coffee :happy: :wink:

    p.s. Don't eat fruits on an empty stomach. They irritate it.(my GP told me)
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    But on days where I have to actually go into my office, I have a two-hour commute, so I don't eat until after I get to work. So, approximately 4 hours elapse between when I get up and when I get to eat something. Will this hurt my metabolism, or is it okay to wait to eat breakfast?

    You know old saying "what goes in must come out"? Well, the delay in eating on my commute days is so I won't have to "go" during the two hour commute. I really don't like to uness it is an absolute emergency. But since the concensus is eating within 30 minutes of waking up, I guess I could try to get up a bit earlier to eat a little something and "go" before I leave for work. Would a glass of orange juice count as breakfast?
  • blueeyedtraveler
    blueeyedtraveler Posts: 209 Member
    I, personally, would not count a glass of orange juice as my breakfast. Like someone else said, try a piece of string cheese and a piece of fruit; some oatmeal, a protein bar...something that's going to fill ya up a lil'
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Yeah, try for a complex carb, a protein and a little fat in every meal. Fiber and the combination of the three macros keeps blood sugar from spiking like it would if you have only fruit juice.
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