Excited about a new lifestyle change

I am new to my fitness pal and an excited to give it my all. I have tried lots of different diets and exercise plans and had no luck. My aunt told me about this and i thought that it would be a good thing to try. Right now i have her as help but I would really like some ideas of exercises and some healthy foods that people have found helpful to their progress. I always seem hungry and need some foods that are healthy and filling. I do not really exercise and think its time to start now. I hope to be able to stay motivated longer then a week. I know things take time and this is something i need to work on. :smile:


  • mjg08060
    mjg08060 Posts: 104 Member
    make sure u stick to it. For me right now, I am in college and I do fantastic there, gym ev eryday for at minimum an hour but when i come home its like starting over again learning how to balance everything. As long as you think you can, you can/ Dont talk yourself down
  • eed_bookworm
    Hi! We are here for you. You can view my diary to see the kinds of things I eat and that may give you some ideas. If you have not exercised in a long time, it would be good to take it slow so you don't hurt yourself. You could start out with walking and progress to more challenging exercises. Even with walking there is a big difference between moseying along (2mph) and really pumping (4mph). Good luck!

    Oh, and eating high fiber foods and drinking enough water really help with hunger!
  • lisarbisa
    My doctor told me that consistency is the key. Eating 5 times a day on a regular basis seems to help. She said to never go more than 4 hours between meals (3 meals and 2 snack = 5). I guess that is what Cher does - she actually hires someone to remind her it is time to eat so she does it at a regular time daily 5 to 6 times.

    I am going to try it and see if it helps with the hunger.
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    Make sure you get plenty of fiber and protein in your diet every single day and replace your simple carbs with complex carbs. That will help you to stay fuller longer and always always always have a low calories snack with you. Fruit, veggies, or another lower calorie high fiber/protein snack. I carry Special K Protein Shakes with me every time I leave the house. It's 180 calories on average for one of those but a good source of protein plus it gives me my chocolate fix if I drink the chocolate. :) Feel free to add me if you want!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    you can start by walking.Or if you have access to a gym,try working some of the machines.Start slow and work up.Stick to your calories.There are so many healthy foods,not just salad,fruit and veg.Add friends to help you along the way.For me it`s a 1 day at a time process.You may have good and bad days,but don`t quit.YOU CAN DO IT!!!
    good luck
  • nanberube
    nanberube Posts: 110 Member
    hey Kiddo - If I can do this so can you. We can work together. I am so glad to have you here for support and motivation. You received some good advice through your post. Lets do this! Welcome home and to MFP.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    If your hungry eat foods that are high in fiber....also if you eat veggies you can eat more, like in a stir fry.

  • zumba_gal
    zumba_gal Posts: 63 Member
    i have only been on for a week and love it... the motivation is awesome... add me as a friend and we can motivate each other... i need alot of motivation... but i get real excited!
  • mon3011
    mon3011 Posts: 20
    I am new to MFP.I have tries every single thing to lose last 15lbs but nothing worked.
    Finally a friend recommended to join this.I workout 5 days a week and try my bset to eat as healthy as possible but keeping a track of all you eat and reading all the motivational posts on this site could be beneficial.
  • midwesthiker
    I found success with JIllian MIchael's 30 Day Shred and am now doing the Ripped in 30 dvd. It is nice because it moves through quickly and you are done in under 30 minutes. I did not exercise before MFP so I had to ease into it. :)

    Welcome, and if you need support feel free to add me as a friend.