
HI, my names Ashley Dawn just signed on hope this works out for me, I've got hope that it will. I have 2 kids one will be 8 next month my daughter and my son will be 2 in october. I currently am at the heaviest i have ever been 193lbs im 5'3 so im really discouraged I finally had got to my best weight ever 117lbs in 07 till i got pregnant again and he was 2 months early so i kind of went into a little depression going up to the hospital everyday and then having to leave my baby behind it was the hardest thing a mother has to do after carrying him for 7 months all u want to do is come home with your little bundle of joy. So then i just started eating just to feel better so its nobodies fault but my own so Im ready to so the next hardest thing that i am probably ever going to have to do, but i made it through all that so i think i will come out a winner I give my self a lot of self talk u know like u can so this, go ashley, and etc. So to the new chapter in this book of life here i come wide eyed and bushy tailed or at least for the time being we will see how long that lasts(lol)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So just wanted to be sure i dropped a few to tell everyone hi since its my first day...:smile:


  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Welcome Ashley - you have come to the right place :-) There is a bunch of great people here - and the tools really help with making sure that you eat right. You have taken the first step - it is all down hill (with a few bumps) from here (weight wise that is :-)
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Welcome to MFP Ashley! It's easy to put on the pounds when your depressed and very hard to take them off. Don't be afraid to add people including myself as friends. Motivation is one of the biggest parts to weight loss.

    Good luck!
  • mothership2
    Good luck, I'm with you its day 2 for me.
  • BonnieJobe
    Hi Ashley :)
    Life deals up difficult hands from time to time, with love, support & encouragement we can make it through.
    I just signed up today too, feel free to add me if you want :)