P90X Question

Hey ALL,

I have a P90X questiononi! Can someone my size 255-249lbs (I haven't been on the scale as of late) do P90X? Anyone that has started it or done some exercises at this weight? Good results? Any pain from having that extra weight?? Thanks for all the help!


  • tim_fitbuilt4life
    tim_fitbuilt4life Posts: 301 Member
    You can do P90X but it is advanced so I would recommend Power90 with is a lighter version for those who are not in extreme physical shape.
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    My husband is 255ish and tried P90X with me, he had a hard time and had to drop to the lower program Power90. Same moves but not as intense. I don't think it was due to pain, but I think overall it was just harder for him to perform alot of the positions that required holding his weight. I think though, that anyone can do it, they just might need to modify it to work for their limits.
  • N_BEAST_MODE_24_7
    N_BEAST_MODE_24_7 Posts: 120 Member
    Yes you can do it, work at your own pace. You will build up to their speed, just don't quit! If you start the race,.....finish it, don't matter when you come in......just finish it...
  • youngronin
    I'm 212 and I do P90X pretty well. Better than I thought I'd be doing it and I'm actually getting decent results. Like Tony says, if you can't do the exact exercise, improvise or do what you can. As it progresses, it should get easier!!
  • thebigwindmill
    thebigwindmill Posts: 98 Member
    Absolutely. When I started I was somewhere around 270 (I'm 5'4). I'm on week 9 and as of today 257. You just have to keep in mind that you will be modifying where you can and probably have to skip some moves (example: I find it hard to hold myself up with my right arm/leg while the left arm is in the air and left leg on the right one. Hopefully you can picture that). I have pulled a few muscles but that's because I push too hard and an prone to injury. Not weight related. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.
  • FIREfitGrl27
    Yes, girl, you can do it your weight and level of fitness. Jus start it and then do the modified version of the different moves if you have to! I like the comments that said not to quit! So true! I started out with P90X in the 200s and so did my Hubby...I was around 212 and he was 239. After a month, I was feeling like I wanted to quit, but then I saw the pic comparisons and realized it was worth it to keep going! Just stick with it, hun, and as you keep doing it and going..you'll start to strong with each workout! Since you are a TURBO user too, I suggest mixing it up with those two programs. :)
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    i started at 285 finished around 258 on 2nd round mixed with turbofire now. so yes you can just do your best
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    The first time I did P90X I was almost 300 lbs. I had to modify things a LOT. But I kept with it and kept pushing play. Soon the modification were less, then non existent, and now I modify to make em harder. Stick with it and don't give up and you'll see some great results. Just, as you'll hear over and over again :-), "do you're best and forget he rest."
  • Ashykins
    Ashykins Posts: 233
    Thank you ALL! I can do it! Haha, I did Plyo, some moves I did have to mod b/c I can't go too deep yet or hop fast, but I burned a bit 727 calories my goodness! *tired!

    Thanks for all the advice and help!
  • kdejan
    kdejan Posts: 4 Member
    Yes of course you can do it! Just push yourself as hard as you can (not too hard), and take a break when you need to. The key is just staying consistent. If you do, each week you will notice yourself getting better and better and being able to complete more and more of the program.
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    I know people who were your weight (or heavier) that did P90X.

    Don't let your weight put limits on you! :D It might be hard, but you are stronger than you know!!