Help make a decision for me?

I want a chocolate bar aaah it's 80 calories and if I eat it I will be over by 37calories for the day... should i eat it?


  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    only do it if u do something good to cleanse it, if it were me, id do 10 crunches to make myself feel i did sumthing :) enjoy
  • ezra1964
    ezra1964 Posts: 10
    Eat half and save the rest in the fridge for tomorrow!
  • TammyLanham
    TammyLanham Posts: 109 Member
    I would eat it if you're craving it - can you cut it in 1/2 or 3rds and just eat part? OR you could always run up & down the stairs for 5 minutes for an additional quick 100 calories burned. :)
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    Ask yourself if that chocolate will help you or hurt you to reach your goal.
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    No. Drink a glass of water, then wait 30 minutes. Then drink another glass of water.
  • doodles80
    doodles80 Posts: 59
    If you really really want it then eat it. Dont say you can't have something that will put you 37 over else you'll crave it all the more.

    Do you want it because you are hungry or you want something sweet? If you are hungry have a glass of water and then if in 30 minutes you still want it then have it!

    37 cals is nothing, it wont have any impact - you need to go over by a couple of hundred at least for that!

  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    If I was at the end of the day, and that was all it would put me over(and it wouldn't spur and eating binge) I would probably eat it. I have went over in my calories a few times this week, and still have a weight loss.
  • mandyschalk
    mandyschalk Posts: 93 Member
    I would say it depends. If youve been on ir under you goals this week then yeahgo for it but, maybe just half of it. That way you may not have asmuch guilt
  • DaniiDean
    DaniiDean Posts: 162 Member
    It is one of those tiny snickers chocolate bars, it is the size of my thumb aaah I don't know.
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    Eat it!!! There is nothing wrong with a reward every once in a while. We can not hold ourselves to a standard of perfection all the time. That is the reason so many diets fail. We deny, deny, deny and then we find ourselves stuffing every bad thing in our face at once covered in guilt and we quit our diet feeling like a failure.

    Eat it. Enjoy it. Feed the craving, then back on the horse again. 37 calories over is not the end of the world.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Eat it. If it bothers you that much, do 37 calories worth of exercise. But it's not even worth bothering it's so little, I bet we all mis-estimate our intake by more than that every day.
  • Mommy2CCCC
    Mommy2CCCC Posts: 70 Member
    I'm sure by now you have made your mind up! LOL But I just wanted to say I read somewhere that if you really want something you should go ahead and have it because you will eat lots of other calories trying to satisfy that craving and you will most likely eat the thing you want anyway. So I say ENJOY!
  • DaniiDean
    DaniiDean Posts: 162 Member
    I had a huge binge the other day. This is so hard to decide, some may think it is stupid but I just don't know. I don't want to end up regretting it.

    I'm not gonna eat it.
  • purpl3sox
    purpl3sox Posts: 38
    You have to stop thinking of it as a reward for doing something. For weight loss to be lasting you need to stop thinking of an end goal or a finish date because when you get there you will go back to doing all of the things you used to and that will put all the weight back on. Ask yourself, do you want to be the kind of person who eats a chocolate bar or do you want to be the kind of person who eats something naturally sweet instead, such as an orange or some fruit. This needs to become who you are not something you do and for that to happen you have to decide based on that. It is not a question of the calories but a question of what you want your life to be. Sure right now it is just a little chocolate bar, but what happens when its a slice of cake, or pie? A chocolate easter bunny next weekend? or some cadburry eggs? This needs to be a change in who you are not just what you are doing for a time.

    No one can make the choice for you,
  • DaniiDean
    DaniiDean Posts: 162 Member
    You have to stop thinking of it as a reward for doing something. For weight loss to be lasting you need to stop thinking of an end goal or a finish date because when you get there you will go back to doing all of the things you used to and that will put all the weight back on. Ask yourself, do you want to be the kind of person who eats a chocolate bar or do you want to be the kind of person who eats something naturally sweet instead, such as an orange or some fruit. This needs to become who you are not something you do and for that to happen you have to decide based on that. It is not a question of the calories but a question of what you want your life to be. Sure right now it is just a little chocolate bar, but what happens when its a slice of cake, or pie? A chocolate easter bunny next weekend? or some cadburry eggs? This needs to be a change in who you are not just what you are doing for a time.

    No one can make the choice for you,

    I know, I am changing my life this IS NOT a diet. I don't want to give up chocolate for the rest of my life but... I'm not going to eat it.
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    Bravo for deciding to forgo this one. However, lifestyles include everything you want but keep it in check. I don't deny myself anything I want to eat but I make it work. I have noticed however that my tastes have changed A LOT since starting in January. I might still crave something but when I eat it, I just don't enjoy it anymore. Not the taste, not the texture and not the blechy feeling I get afterward. Give yourself some time to adjust to your new life. This certainly didn't happen to me over night. My journal has many entries in the beginning of Zachary chocolates and notes where I said WTH did I just do that? I'm not hungry, it doesn't even taste good and ugh now I feel like crap! But doing that gave me the strength and courage and EXCUSE NOT TO EAT them now. I don't want to feel that way anymore. You can also find some alternative means to get your chocolate fix if you really want it. Try nutella in place of peanut butter on occassion. It has a nice chocolate taste but is healthier than a candy bar and totally workable into any lifestyle change.

    I also agree with the evaluation of WHY you want to eat that chocolate. Are you hungry? Are you emotionally upset or stressed over something? Are you really thirsty? (we often mistake thirst for hunger) Do you think you DESERVE to eat the chocolate as a REWARD? Food is NOT a reward and that's where we get into trouble. If you really want to reward yourself with food, exercise first and reward yourself by eating back your exercise calories by having a 2nd serving of that really healthy dinner you made, not in an overly processed, mostly chemical laden candy that makes your body react as if it were under attack.

    You have won this battle but remember, this is a war! You're in this for the long haul and you will not surrender!