
I was wondering if most people follow the recommended daily calories customized by MFP or do you make your own? If you do make your own how to know what % of protein, carbs and fat you should be doing?



  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    I was wondering if most people follow the recommended daily calories customized by MFP or do you make your own? If you do make your own how to know what % of protein, carbs and fat you should be doing?

  • gnu1971
    gnu1971 Posts: 37 Member
    MFP goals are good, based on what I've read/learned over the last however long I've been paying attention (including a nutrition class in junior college). I had success in the past with 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat a.k.a. The Zone or I think it might also be the same as "Balance" (supposed to be about this balance at every meal too, of "real" foods**, of course). I'm still partial to the 40/30/30. I know some people go as low as 20% fat.

    I'll be interested to see others posts, too!

    **I still use some processed foods, like canned turkey chili, but I try to limit those because of the high sodium content. I'm still gradually adding better foods, more fresh fruits and veggies, etc. But I'm in it for the long term, now!
  • ranaelynn
    ranaelynn Posts: 115 Member
    I go by the recommendatons - although I set it up so i have breakfast --- snack --- lunch --- snack --- dinner ---- snack

    I find by spreading it out like that I feel fuller- Im eating through out the day so I don't feel deprived and from what I read this way of doing it keeps the matbolism going as well - anyway seems to be working for me so far.

    I use to pay a monthly fee to use a similar set up by the show biggest loser, but as money got tight I canceled that - I am so happy to find this free site and frankly it does a much better job than the site I was paying for!
  • Junkers
    I've noticed that using the MFP percentages leaves me way over on protein, and under on Carbs. I do lean more towards protein though, because when I exercise I feel weak and hungry after if I don't eat protein based foods.
    Protein high foods also tend to make you feel full longer, which at 1200 - 1500 calories a day is a good thing!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I follow MFP guidelines, though I'm usually alittle over every day on my proteins. I stopped worrying about that though when I heard that MFP tends to be alittle low on those.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Thanks everyone for posting. I have now switched mine back to recommended and lets see how I do!!!