Newbie that screwed up with eating while watching tv...

Ugggghhhhh!!!!!!!! How do you not eat while watching tv? I am so mad at myself group....I could cry.

So pumped yesterday, but this is one of my weakness's...stress eating and eating when I watch tv.

This new picture of me I put up is where I want to get back to. This was in Myrtle Beach 3 years ago, we are going back in 8 weeks. I'm like 20 lbs heavier now than in the picture..

.I know I won't lose it all, but I am so frustrated that I was so pumped, did great, then friggin went to bed and ate pretzels with ranch and mustard, then had cereal. :( I'm just being honest, that is who I am, no BS from this girl. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Alwaysscarred
    Don't be too hard on yourself. Today is a new day :)
  • suzyr78
    suzyr78 Posts: 16 Member
    I ate a lot more yesterday than I should have too.

    Just log it and move on today.

    Another thing that helps me is remembering how bad I felt after I over ate, soooo not worth the 10 minutes of eating!
  • Zednik
    Zednik Posts: 1
    I had the same problem! For me, the solution was to put a treadmill in front of the TV. Now, whenever I watch, I get on the treadmill and walk. Nothing crazy or strenuous, just a steady, leisurely pace while watching TV. I do find that I am not craving food after exercise either. It has been a great help. Good luck!
  • AmysNewBeginning
    AmysNewBeginning Posts: 244 Member
    thats where i need to get my discipline back and say its not worth it!!!!!!!!!!! i know all of this doesn't happen over night, but i have
    been struggling for a long time about so many things, and this is one thing I HAVE CONTROL OF and i don't want to blow it.
  • AmysNewBeginning
    AmysNewBeginning Posts: 244 Member
    10 more lbs to go for you WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how excited you must be!!!!!!!!!!! good luck to you..YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Just do what you have to; premeasure snacks, eat fruit, use less sauces etc. just remember its one mess up and youll have more. Just dont let them take over and always get back on that horse, whether its a clydesdale or a shetland pony.
  • AmysNewBeginning
    AmysNewBeginning Posts: 244 Member
    Thank you so much....I feel like I'm on a darned donkey right now though! LOL!!!!!!!!!!