just need to scream for a min

ahhhh i hate u 30 day shred. really i do. everyone ravs about it but it sucks. sorry. the whole point is that each level gets harder, and each day u build your muscles and endurance so that u can makei t through the next level. i did 1, no results, i did 2, no results but figured let me do the whole 30 days and hopefully ill see a change there, all the while thinking, i have been building up my strength and all that jazz. i just attempted L3 and didnt have the body strength to do it, even pushing myself, i couldnt physically do the moves, i didnt even make it to circuit 2. and im sure everyone that will respond will say its hard but they all did it but thats probably because the other 2 levels worked for u, u prob. saw results, u were probably building your strength, why not me? i dont do all the easy moves, i dont slack, its not easy for me...why cant i physically do the moves? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


  • DoReMiFaSoLaTiDo
    some will have to do level one more than once before moving on to level 3...and its not rare for folks to do level 2 three times before moving on to level 3.... some stop at level 2..... do something else and then come back to 30ds and can then master level 3.... Find what works for you
  • purpl3sox
    purpl3sox Posts: 38
    I never did the thirty day shred, but I know when I started my bootcamp we did weight movements that made me look at the instructor and think " you have got to be ****ting me, there is no way that is physically possible for me" but practice and bullheadedness got me through and 7 weeks later I am doing the movements well. Just keep doing level three, every day your supposed to, and get stubborn. Tell you body that someday it will do what you ask it to, and that you will make it happen sooner or later no matter how much it hurts. If you have a hard time doing all of it, do part of it and then next day do more, and then more, until you can do it. I think you can do whatever you work at. Good luck.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I did level 1 a few extra days until I started to feel that it was getting easier. I'm doing the same with level 2 right now. I've done it for 7 days in a row and will likely do it for another 7 days because I can't do the high impact moves yet without collapsing. I do notice a difference in my strength. Small things like being able to get myself up off the floor without having to hold onto some piece of furniture, and sitting up from lying down without having to roll to my side first.

    I say keep at each level until you're able to complete the high impact moves and then by level 3 you'll have an easier time. Don't give up!
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    It is HARD. You may not realize it, but I am sure you are getting stronger. My 17 year old super fit daughter mentioned how hard it was. She was covered in sweat and the first 30 days, she hated it. She had much more definition in her body though. My first time I sucked, I hated it and I cried, BUT I lost 6 inches over my body. Did you measure? You can do this. Don't give up now.
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    I haven't done the 30DS, but some of my MFP friends have. I know that they've had to do some levels more than once, technically making in longer than 30 days, but that is what has made them able to move on without giving up. They have had some awesome results.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    It's YOUR body, do it your way! I have been doing level 1 for 60 days and my results are great. I started doing the shred two weeks into my journey and I am now down 20 pounds, tons of inches, and even have some tone in my arms.

    We aren't cookies, so put away the cookie cutter and make the workout work for you!
  • denisec26
    denisec26 Posts: 199 Member
    thanks, i did measure also and no change but im happy to say after postung this, i went back and did all of level 3..all beginner moves..haha but i did it. im pretty sure ill have to do all beginner moves for the whole thing, my body just isent that strong to do the advanced versions..but maybe after doing L3 for 10 days, ill start back from the beginning and do it all over again..hopefully ill see some results.
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    I did level 3 for the first time yesterday and I couldn't do all the moves well. I should be doing it again right now, but I'm indulging myself on this site first!

    I just tell myself that it will come in time. Like the hamstring stretch...I initially couldn't stand on my right foot without holding on to something, but I can now. I followed Anita at first and now I follow Natalie for some moves. My goal is to follow the advanced moves for the whole thing!

    Anyway, it's mostly mental. You made it through today. Tomorrow you'll be even better!
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    thanks, i did measure also and no change but im happy to say after postung this, i went back and did all of level 3..all beginner moves..haha but i did it. im pretty sure ill have to do all beginner moves for the whole thing, my body just isent that strong to do the advanced versions..but maybe after doing L3 for 10 days, ill start back from the beginning and do it all over again..hopefully ill see some results.

    YAY! Well done!

    I'm still on level 1, but i'll feel your pain in a few weeks, i'm sure!
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I would say to try and follow Anita for the moves until you build up your strength. It's not bad to go back to level 2 either. I do level 2 the most. Some days level 3. The main thing is that you are up and doing it! Congratulations to you! Just the cardio is great even if you aren't doing exactly everything perfectly. Can you keep up with Natalie on level 2 pretty well? If not, I would say to master level 2, then go to level 3.
    Level 3 is intense! When I first did it it felt like my heart was in my throat! ha I didn't think the tape was going to end! ha Now, it's surprising when she's ready for the cool down stretches. You think, ok, it must be getting a bit easier! ha
    Good luck to you! :)