My cal intake is 1230. That would'nt be so bad on a normal day, but my days are extended because I have to get up at 3:50 am and my day ends about 9pm if I am lucky but usually 10. Thats a long stretch fo 1230 cal. If I stay hungry all the time I am going to fail. I try not to eat after 6, but sometimes thats hard when i get home at 5. I work 10 hrs a day, 1hr commute to work, have 3 kids. Eating small meals every two or three hrs don't work, that leaves me hungry more because i never get a full meal, and I don't have time to eat like that at work. What makes this more serious is I work around endless amouts of junk food that is too easy to grab if I get too hungry. Open to ideas, but remember , if I eat even a large breakfast when I get up it still 8 hrs to lunch time!


  • Jillong
    Jillong Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Leisa,

    What time do you eat your breakfast? Can you go a bit longer before your first meal?

    The only food suggestion that comes to mind is homemade vegetable soup, which is low in calories if you don't sweat the veg in oil/butter first.

    You must be exhausted!
  • Hottness4Lyfe
    Hottness4Lyfe Posts: 321 Member
    1230 calories a day.....I see why you're hungry. My trainer has me on 1800-2000 and I'm still hungry all day. But try this....The meals that you do eat try to make sure they are high in protein and you have some sort of carb(wheat toast, wheat pasta, rice). This will hold you and give you energy to get by. What also gelps me is that I keep protein shakes, protein bars, fruit and nuts in my desk and purse incase I need a lil pick me up. Hope this helps!!! Good luck on your journey!!!
  • Leisa42
    Leisa42 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi Leisa,

    What time do you eat your breakfast? Can you go a bit longer before your first meal?

    The only food suggestion that comes to mind is homemade vegetable soup, which is low in calories if you don't sweat the veg in oil/butter first.

    You must be exhausted!
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Can you change your weight loss goals so that your base calories are around 1500? I have the same problem with hunger so that is what I do. I also find if I can drink extra water/green tea and keep busy that my hunger seems to stay away a bit more. Plus, more foods are filling than other foods so you have to experiment. Cereal leaves me hungry in an hour but oatmeal keeps me full for longer. Eggs are great for lunch, you can hard boil them to take to work and they are quite filling for me. An example of my day would be:
    Breakfast: 6am - oatmeal/milk = 200 calories

    Snack: 10 am - 1 wrap/1 tbsp peanut butter/fruit = 265

    Lunch: 1pm - two eggs/two toast = 190

    Snack 3pm: pita/hummus = 270

    Dinner: meat/potato/salad: 400 cal

    Total: 1325

    I know that I need to add in some extra veggies and I usually try to save 150 calories for an evening snack so on a better day I would try to eliminate one toast at lunch and add in fruit or veggies and perhaps half a half serving of carbs at dinner so that I have more for an evening snack.

  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    When I was working those hours, sometimes it helped me to have a small breakfast, then a medium lunch, a small afternoon snack, then my left over calories for medium-larger dinner. So then I at least had 2 times per day where my stomach was kind of "full."
  • patty6473
    patty6473 Posts: 24
    If you have 135lbs to lose, and are living such an active life, 1230 calories is not nearly enough! Here's a good tool...Do a fake diary entry of all the things you would eat, or used to eat. Record the calorie total. Then, cut back about 500 calories a day, while eating healthier. This way, you'll lose an easy 1lb per week. I know we all want FAST results, but if you are starving throughout the day, unfortunately, whatever weight you lose, you will gain back once you start eating again!!
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    I also like what KDSmtih said. It might be beneficial to give yourself a few more calories so you aren't set up for failure by overwhelming hunger. you will still lose weight overall.
  • Leisa42
    Leisa42 Posts: 56 Member
    I usually eat around 6 or 7 , which I have been told is bad, that u should eat asap after waking to boost metabolism. And yes I stay tired all the time which is why it's also hard to motovate exerciseing. Who wants to walk or jog after being on your feet 10 hrs. I'm really not trying to make excuse's it's just facts that are hindering me. on the positive side, I've dedcide swimming is a good exercise that gets me off my feet and can burn a ton of calories.
  • MaxPowr
    MaxPowr Posts: 2
    It sounds like you are quite busy! I suggest increasing your cal intake to match your work day schedule. Furthermore, it is okay to eat late in the evenings as long as it is healthy snacking, the eating late is bad for you is a myth. Consider that all that running around is well...exercise so estimated as that.

    Long story short, eat more to combat returning to unhealthy eating and snacking and you still be able to lose weight.

    Good luck!
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 557 Member
    I would eat more fiber and see if this helps
  • spatticus
    spatticus Posts: 230 Member
    You definitely need more calories! What is your activity level set to on here? Adjust your goals to give yourself more credit for your busy lifestyle!
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    My first meal is usually around 6 or 7, and I eat my last meal around 10. I eat 2300 calories a day and weigh 138. It doesn't matter what time you eat. Your body still metabolizes food while you're sleeping, and if you don't provide your muscles with something to eat for long periods (10-12 hours), they'll consume themselves.

    Eat three regular meals and two to three small meals. Six small meals won't satisfy you, and three large meals is too long to deprive your body of blood sugar.

    My kids and I eat a lot, and we bring a small cooler of our favorite foods with us everywhere. We pack carrots, various fruits, sliced cucumber, sliced red bell pepper, apples, string cheese, crackers, PB&Js, and pretzel sticks. We never eat fast food or sugar-laden smoothies, we're in great shape, and we're never starving.

    Check out my diary if you're interested.