Breaking a Plateau Plan and Support Group-- Who's With Me???

This is for everyone, who is currently struggling with a plateau (stuck between 160-163). I, myself have been in a plateau for about 1.5 months. I just got back from vacation and am excited to get back to my routine and to break through this freaking plateau.

We can all agree that it can be pretty frustrating and certainly HARD.

I am going to try to switch up a few things in my routine to make sure i'm changing things up. I did a lot of reading on vacation and now want to see if some of the tips will work.

Here is a summary of my old status quo:
1. 1200 calories a day
2. Exercised with HRM and ate back exercise cals 4-5 days of high intensity cardio
3. Ate "mostly" well but still had a lot of carbs (pretzel crisps are my weakness) and too much sugar (e.g., desset became a staple for dinner)
4. Also, I did eat out several days a week because i live in a city and it's just a way of life here but i try to make healthy choices and the food is not as bad as some of the chains (e.g. Chili's) but who knows how much butter these places are using...eek

MY NEW PLAN --- 2 week trial!:
1. Bumped up cals to 1400
2. Will eat only a part of my exercise cals
3. Do 3 days of weight training (trying new kettlebell w/o in Shape this month); 2 days high intensity cardio;1 day Low intensity
4. Avoid trail mix (nuts and dried fruit) and crap snacks (chips, pretzels, etc)
5. No sugar (other than fruit)
6. No alcohol
7. Eat 1g of protein for 1lb of goal weight (140lb goal = 140 g of protein)
8. No cheating!!! -- it's only 2 can be done!!!

Please tell me if you are interested in doing my challenge or you are working on your own routine == POST IT HERE!!!

Now who is with me and ready to break plateaus???


  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    I am going to do something similar. I plan to work out the details this afternoon. Since being on MFP my weight loss has dramatically slowed, so I'm going to do some data crunching from Jan. till now, observe the trends, etc. and alter my plan.
  • ShellyRath
    I am interested as I have also hit a plateau. I just posted an article on the effects of sugar and high fructose corn syrup and fat. So I will also be eliminating them for two weeks to see is that breaks through the plateau. I am going shopping today.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    I am also changing it up. Was doing fantastic losing consistently. Got to a 55 pound loss in December -which is great- but since then the weight loss has slowed to a crawl.

    To mix it up this month I added cardio classes - Zumba, step, body pump and weights. I am hoping that helps. So far I haven't seen a change in the numbers on the scale but I feel great. I can see a difference in muscle tone and definition. I feel so much stronger. Love that.

    Still want to get to my goal weight though. For now I would be so happy to get into the next numbers down on the scale. So close!
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Boy do I hear you on the Frustration of being at a plateau! I just broke my most recent plateau that lasted from 2/29/11 till yesterday. Two weeks into the plateau, I decided I needed to really get serious about what I was eating again. So I cleaned up the junk, like having spelt bread instead of ritz crackers and stopped eating out again, but still it just hovered. So I drastically cut carbs and went back on Induction phase of the Atkins diet. Back to 3 meals and 1-2 snacks a day. Logged all my calories and grams on MFP and didn't exceed MPF's rec of 1500 calories a day. Last week I finally decided to do something different with my excercise. Time is really short for me to workout but I just switched from 40 minutes of biking, to an AM bike of 20 minutes and a PM bike of 20 minutes. Thought maybe if I could get my metabolism up in the AM it might stay higher throughout the day. Then I also did a quick 5 minute wt lift/ab workout which I had slacked off on as well. So end of last week it finally moved! I hope it lasts awhile. :flowerforyou:
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    I wanted to get a group of people together and track the progress we are making, albeit on different regimens/programs

    Anyone up for a weekly check in and motivation for each other?

    Tell me your starting and goal weight and how long you've been in a plateau

    I am currently at 163 (vacation had something to do with that) but my plateau is 160-163...I can't seem to get past the 160 into hte 150's zone

    After 2 weeks, I would like to finally get into the 150's

    What is your goal?
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    I am going to do something similar. I plan to work out the details this afternoon. Since being on MFP my weight loss has dramatically slowed, so I'm going to do some data crunching from Jan. till now, observe the trends, etc. and alter my plan.

    Let us know what your plateau plan will be when you figure it out!