Much better Dinner than them old TakeAways

so i used ti live on takeaways - pizzas, curries, chinese, ready meals - u name it, i had most of it - my one night a week healthy option was a frozen ready meal

Well, just had bbq marinated chicken, 200g potatoes, 200g carrots and 100g peas, all steamed - and all for approx 526kcals!

I must admit, it was really nice.

i'd actually forgotten what proper veg tasted like until these last couple of days.

Am sleeping far easier, not waking up at 3am, and my mood is actually more settled in general.

Now, time to plan ahead and maybe pre-cook some chicken and meat tomorrow evening so I just have to steam veg when I get home :o)


  • 1980carrie
    mmmm sounds delish! my brekkie this morning was fab! 1sml banana chopped, 14g raisins, 100g strawberries, 70g raspberries and 100g natural fat free yoghurt. the bowl was massive and it came in 231cals!! my partners toasted pitta and filling cane in at 540kcals and was less than half the size of mine. eating this way totally blows your mind! welldone xx
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I had roast beef for dinner tonight, boiled potatoes, cabbage, peas and yorkshire puddings for dinner tonight. 800ish calories.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who really does feel better for eating more healthily. I find I don't feel as sluggish and bloated and generally just feel healthier in myself. Yet for some reason I seem to go back to junk food so easily and I don't know why! It's just as easy to cook healthily as unhealthily.