Exercise suitable for someone who suffers from knee-cap disl

cally112 Posts: 16
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise

I've dislocated my left knee since i was 13 yrs old(am 22 yrs old now), its happened round 9 times where i've ended up in A&E to get it put back in place and its popped too many times to count. My right knee is the same, a little better only dislocating once but still popping a lot. Been to the hospital consultant many times and every time i go all they tell me is what exercises not to do. this is some from the list:

No contact sports
No sports at all
No running
No power walking
No cycling
No lifting weights with my legs
No resistance on my knees at all.

As you can see a lot of exercises are banned, but I'm still told I need to lose weight. It's really difficult when no one will tell me what i can do rather than telling me what i can't do. Have done physio for three years but it didn't make any difference.

So wondering does anyone else have this problem!!

P.S. am currently icing my knee as I've started going for 30 min walks again and its starting to act up lol!!


  • aaronjarvis
    aaronjarvis Posts: 47 Member
    Swimming laps is very low impact, & one of the best exercises you can do.
  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    you should ask about physical therapy to help with your knees. I have issues with my knees but again I have a physical disability.
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    I would go with swimming also. I have bad knees (both need surgery) and I like swimming. But I do what I am not supposed to do also... :wink:
  • There may be some yoga exercises that you may be able to do. Swimming may be something you can try, but I don't know how it will affect your knees, expecially if you kick a lot to swim. I have knee troubles as well. I haven't dislocated them, but seem to slip at times. I can't do lots of twists and turns that involve my feet. For example, I tried Zumba and it made my knees worse. Right now, It may be worth backing your doctors into a corner and ask them to tell you exactly what you can do. Be careful in whatever you do!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    yeah, I think swimming too. Or a gravity walker machine which has no impact on joints. And then upper body resistance training.

    Good luck, :flowerforyou:
  • cally112
    cally112 Posts: 16
    yea I go swimming as much i can and when i can afford to go!! :)
  • cally112
    cally112 Posts: 16
    lol I do the same, I love playing badminton and often go with friends to play it but I do suffer afterwards lol!

    I would go with swimming also. I have bad knees (both need surgery) and I like swimming. But I do what I am not supposed to do also... :wink:
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I had knee surgery and was given the same list of exercises not to do. I said screw it and found a personal trainer that had experience with post-surgery people. He put me on the leg extension machine and told me to see how much I could do. I now run, I power walk, I do every sport I can, I do martial arts, I do kickboxing, I dance, I kick butt!!! Basically, during my PT sessions, my trainer told me that you can strengthen the muscles around the knee which keep it all in place and that is exactly what has happened.
  • cally112
    cally112 Posts: 16
    I had knee surgery and was given the same list of exercises not to do. I said screw it and found a personal trainer that had experience with post-surgery people. He put me on the leg extension machine and told me to see how much I could do. I now run, I power walk, I do every sport I can, I do martial arts, I do kickboxing, I dance, I kick butt!!! Basically, during my PT sessions, my trainer told me that you can strengthen the muscles around the knee which keep it all in place and that is exactly what has happened.

    Thats actually really nice to hear!! I might look into something like that!! thank you :)
  • MrsT99
    MrsT99 Posts: 148 Member
    Mine can pop out but never to the extent where they are fully dislocated and I have to pop them back in, a few times in my teens they went funny and I got fluid on the knee - the first time it happened I was 11 and too young to get the fluid removed by needle, and they gave me physio exercises to build up the muscles around it so that does make sense!

    Both knees have always been quite sensitive ever since, but when they have given way a little bit in the same way that made the original injury, I only have to sit down for a bit and its not gone nearly as bad as the first few times.

    I got Zumba fitness on the Wii that hurt my knees the first time I played it but I was on for ages trying to unlock stuff, I was fine doing an hour yesterday.

    But yours are likely far more sensitive than mine if they hurt after badminton as mine do not.

    I haven't dared try thje 30ds as I hear its pretty hard on poor knees.
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