New to MyFitnessPal

Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all,

Well, just to introduce myself, I'm Steven from South Africa, and I've decided to try and lose a bit of weight. I've been dieting on and off for the past 6 or 7 years (I was originally 111kg when I started, and then went down to 89kg - back up to 103kg now), but I'm feeling extremely motivated and excited about doing this.

I'm hoping that I'll be able to report back on some good progress here over the next 18 months or so that I've set myself to reach my target weight.


  • marianeo
    marianeo Posts: 161 Member
    Welcome to MFP Steven, all the best with your health and fitness journey!!!
  • Good luck! I find having the myfitnesspal support really helps motivate me. You can add me as a friend if you like. :smile:
  • Hello All

    My name is Erica, I am a college senior and I am graduating on May 22, 2011. I have just came from studying abroad in South Africa where I was able to lose 35lbs. I am currently between 168-174--> I know the scale changes every day from this range, it is awful. I am looking to get in shape and become fit while losing weight. I would like to lose 35 more pounds as my goal weight. I am motivated but because I live off campus and I am so heavily involved, i don't get enough sleep and sometimes I stay on campus too much and forget to bring food. It has been a challenge and I am AFRAID to gain weight because I have lost so much and I want to continue, but my college is where I gained all the weight, I have NEVER had a weight issue before coming to college. I have some support, but I have to push them to support. I am motivated to get my life together and open to push myself and try new things that will not make this process so routine. I hope to report back with good news as well :-)
  • Is there a way to get support on my phone, I signed up because my friend said the site would be good, but I forget to get on it everyday and if i have some people who can help me PUSH myself everyday, that will be GREAT...any suggestions. I have been at the gym for 5x a week, drinking so much water @ least 36oz a day and nothing, the scale went up! I know weight is deceiving, but I want to be deceived with a decrease! I know it has to do with my sleep patterns as well, and I plan to work on that more in the summer. Juggling school, TAing and gym is more difficult than I ever imagined. If I can have someone or something on my phone to help, that will be great.

    Thanks ALL suggestions acceptable
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    Maybe you could try setting your homepage on your browser to this site? Then whenever you're looking to do any browsing, the first thing you'll get is a reminder of this site and maybe take some inspiration from friends' feeds?
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