Jillian Michaels 30day Shred

I have bought 30 day shred DVD set because l have seen and heard people SWEAR by it! Anyway, l also do aerobics, body combat, steps and the gym (sometimes) at least 5-6 times per week.

lf l have to do each level for 10 days, is it OK if l perhaps do it 4 days a week or something, then l can finish 8 days of it for two weeks, and the other 2 days at the weekend or during the week if l miss some of my workouts at the gym.

l don't want to overdo it but l also want to do this DVD so l can get... shredded basically? Lol. l have 28lb to lose so l really am determined to do this by 17th May!


  • Becca619
    Becca619 Posts: 91 Member
    I am only doing it Monday's Wednesday's and Fridays and other things Tuesday's and Thursday's. Should still be effective :)
    LUVTHECARDS1 Posts: 9 Member
    I believe it's ok. I over did it and strained my calf muscle. I was also running before and my muscles just aren't strong enough to handle all of the stress yet. So, now I have to take a break from running and I'll be doing the 30DS w/o the jumping. I'll modify it and do the standing boxing for the cardio sections.

    I wasn't doing it every day. Just the days that I ran. So, I think it's ok & probably best if you don't over do it! Good Luck! There's a thread on the Intro Blog where a bunch of us are starting tomorrow. You should sign up, so we can all motivate each other!!! Good Luck!!!
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I have been doing it 3-4 times per week and am on my third week. The scale has not moved, but I lost an inch around my waist.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    do it whenever you want however you want, just keep count of the days to total 30 days did...
  • Melonmorrow
    Melonmorrow Posts: 11 Member
    I just finished my first week. I haven't measured myself yet to see if I've lost any inches ( probably too soon to tell anyways). I did it 4 days this week but I also do the c25k 2-3 times a week and Zumba class 3-4 times a week. I wanted to do it everyday but I know myself and would proble get bored and quit if I made myself do it everyday. good luck : ) It's a great work out for only 20 min.