Does anyone else out there have a toddler?

Msaip Posts: 482 Member
Mommy is TIRED! I'm finding it increasingly difficult to find the time/energy to keep going with this weight loss buisness! I feel like the life is being drained out of me! The minute I start a video, that's when she wants to play?! Why is that? For all other mom's out there with children two and under. What is your secret? Short of not having a husband who wants to help out and no one else to watch her? Once you started seeing results did it make you more motivated? I just feel like it's not worth it anymore!


  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    My kiddo is 17 months. I work out during nap time! I also take him to the park and walk the track with him in his stroller and then when we're done he gets to play. I keep at it because I know in the end I'll be a better mommy for it.
  • amylynne26
    amylynne26 Posts: 195 Member
    Take her to a playground... you'd be amazed the workout you can get just running around w/ her OR trying an actual workout - here's one example.


    Set the example. My kids are now 5 and 7 so a little more self sufficient but at that age they LOVED playing along and doing their own preschool version of yoga. I guess it depends on the video you're doing but letting her do it alongside you not only lets you get it done but sets a great example for your child.

    And this weightloss business is simply burning more than you're taking in, while taking in enough to survive... the minimum 1200 cals for most of us.
  • melindaw1977
    My kids are a little older, youngest is 3 1/2 now. I would encourage them to workout with me. They are pretty adorable doing some of the moves. Also, I used to used me oldest as a weight to do different things. Fun times for both of us. Is there anyone you can do childcare with? You watch their child while they work out and they watch yours while you workout. Another big thing I took advantage of last year was our backpack. I would throw my daughter in it and just walk...that added weight sure gives you a more intense workout. Don't give may have to be more creative to find a way to workout, but it's totally worth it.
  • Adudynski
    Adudynski Posts: 31
    I totally understand the feeling! I have a 5 year old and a 3 year old. I usually try and get them in bed in time for me to have at least an hour to work out. I am new to this so I havnt lost weight to help motivate me, but I try and make it like "my time" But I do have days where I am to tired to do anything, so I allow myself 1 or 2 days off or sometimes I will juts atleast do 20-30 min of something
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    It is SO worth it!!! I have three kids, ages 10, 7, and 2, and a baby on the way. I HAD to get to the gym and it made such a difference in my sanity. Aside from that, I lost 90 lbs and can keep up with all three of the kids and I'm now 7 months pregnant and I still go to the gym 3 times a week and have lots of energy, not to mention that this has been the easiest pregnancy of them all!!!
  • sylvia1970
    sylvia1970 Posts: 134
    Let them join in. I have a nearly 3yr old who runs round me when i'm doing the Zumba wii while my 8mth old just smiles in awe of my determination LOL. It is tiring but make it fun, you'll still burn energy.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I have a 20 month old and a husband who does most of the childcare.

    That said, he does his workouts during her nap or after she goes to bed.

    Also... soon getting a YMCA membership. Drop kiddo off in the on-site daycare and we'll hit the gym together.
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    I have an 19 mo old, I work out while he naps. I also take advantage of any time my husband is able to be home and work out then as well :)
  • lemonychick
    lemonychick Posts: 81 Member
    It's very hard, I know! I have 3 kids, who all want different things from me just when I need to spend a bit of time on myself! The time that you take to workout now is an absolute investment in your and your child's future - not that they will understand, but mine got used to it, so will your Darling. It's the same with everything with kids - Perseverance, consistency and masses of love!

    I hope you catch a break soon, both you and your child are worth it! :love:
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    WOW all these are great ideas! I'm pretty new to this town so I'll have to poke around! She likes doing the moves with me then gets bored and starts sitting on me while im doing lower body/abdominals. I will find a balance i there somewhere!
  • twinsmommaplus1
    twinsmommaplus1 Posts: 25 Member
    I have twins that are 4 and a 2 year old. When I started my journey I had a treadmill at home. So, I would do interval training on the treadmill for 20-30 minutes while the kids napped. Now I put in an exercise DVD and they love working out too. It is teaching them the importance about being active too. Or go to the park. My gym also has childcare which is very affordable. I can bring all 3 for $20 a month unlimited!

    Do you have a jogging stroller or backpack carrier you can use?
  • frannyannemum
    I have a 15 month old and an almost 3 year old. As long as the weather is not chucking it down with rain, we normally go for a 2/3 mile walk everyday or I take them to the park. Also, I try to work out once they have gone to bed, I know you are suppose to wind down at this point, but it is hard to find time to exercise in the day :(
    Hope this helps and good luck :)
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I work out during her naptime. We also do one Stroller Strides class a week - she's young enough she stays in the stroller while I work out, but some women bring their older kids, too, and they run around the track/park while the moms do their thing.
  • MrsH06
    MrsH06 Posts: 159
    I have an 18 month old, 3 year old and 5 year old. We play Wii Fit Plus and Just Dance. We go for walks when it is nice. I have a double stroller so when my 3 yr old gets tired he can ride. We play at the park. I use my 18 month old as a piece of gym equipment! (does that sound bad? lol) I hold him out in front of me and squat down and it makes him laugh. I also have my elliptical in the playroom so I turn music on and watch them play and it really makes the time go by. Hope this helps.
  • jaybug77
    jaybug77 Posts: 12 Member
    I have a 5 and 2 yr old. i take them for walks when its nice out. i mainly workout when they are sleeping. my 5 yr old does like to do the dance workouts w/me when her sister is napping. its fun for the both of us. :)
  • carrie_lebel
    Been there I have spent probably extra calories moving around too avoid kicking my kids in the head. All I can say is you can put them in the highchair with playdough or other new arts and crafts thingys or try Homemade Popsicles ( they take forever to suck down), or just keep moving around avoiding them.
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    I also have a toddler who used to take scheduled nap times and I worked out every day at those times. Now, her naps are all over the place and always seem to come right after I"ve eaten :( So, now I work out at night after she's gone to bed which is pretty late. We hold odd hours over here, so here I end up working out usually from 12-130am....on days when her father has off, I try to squeeze in workouts during the day.
  • javarushed
    javarushed Posts: 218 Member
    The trick is that you have to CHASE them around, until they fall over from exhaustion and go to bed. You get a 2 for 1 shot deal here by getting your play time and cardio in. Then you get to do what you want to do :D
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I've got two. My daughter is 2 1/2 and my son will be 1 on Wednesday. I can't work out at home. Even during their nap times it's too much. That's normally when I either eat my lunch and get a break, or now that I'm pregnant again, I also take a nap. I get up at 6am and spend about an hour at the gym. Getting up before everyone else is the only way I can do it since my gym doesn't have child care.
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    My 9 yo and 2yo are pretty supportive:)) They both try and work out with me when I have to work out at home or when they are around. But normally I go to the gym before they get up or do a work out DVD before they get up around 5:30 am....I know its hard to get up but that may be your best bet if you cant do anything else:)) Good luck!!!