New . . . Kind of.

healthybones Posts: 29 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello Everyone! I've been using MFP application for Android since December 2010 and I've recently decided to get more involved in the community. I'm a 20 year old originally from Jacksonville, FL but currently in college in Tallahassee, FL. I'm a Pharmacy major and I'm hoping to start Pharmacy school in the Fall (waiting on an acceptance letter *crosses fingers*)

I've been overweight ever since I can remember. I've tried "dieting" for many years and have failed. In July 2010, something "clicked" & my weightloss journey begun. I've finally been able to shed these pounds and live a healthier lifestyle. I love MFP because it keeps me accountable. The heaviest I have ever been is 235, I'm currently 187, and my goal is to be 150 by September 1st when Fall classes start.

Feel free to add me! I could definitely use the motivation/encouragement & I would also give motivation/encouragement back as well :smile:


  • I'm so happy I found someone on here that I actually know, you have lost so much weight so far!! I'm not gonna recognize you next time I come to florida! :happy:
  • hellotini
    hellotini Posts: 29
    Hi! I added you, I'm 20, also and our goals are very similar. best of luck!
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