How many people drive themselves crazy with watching sodium



  • mfrano
    mfrano Posts: 16
    I have been reading that Sodium is different for everyone so with that I am going to ignore the sodium tracker and focus on my calories, carbs and sugar..continue my workouts and drink plenty of water!
  • adorablechaos
    adorablechaos Posts: 54 Member
    Where do I find the sodium tracker?

    Never mind...found it :blushing:
  • Crystals422
    Crystals422 Posts: 382 Member
    I have done really well lowering my sodium over that last two weeks. I do have high blood pressure so I know it is important to my health as well as weight loss. Mrs. Dash makes no salt spices so that is nice. Sodium is everywhere!! I make all my meals and try to stay under 1500 a day.
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I don't watch sodium at all. Not that concerned with it.

    In fact, a while back, I was reading something that said people are waaaay too freaked out about it. It said that of the people with blood pressure, it's usually only a small fraction of that population that really has to worry about it. Wish I could find that report.

    But do what you feel is safe.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I closely watched my sodium for a few weeks and was able to keep it under 1500 but it was hard as I was sure sodium was a major reason for my lack of current weight loss and I drove myself crazy altering my foods for the day constantly to make it fit in, but I only ended up losing .2 lbs so for me it didn't make much of a difference for water retention or weight loss.

    Lately I've eating how I used to and I almost never go over anyway unless it's a "cheat day" so I'm happy with my sodium as long as it's under 2500.
  • I set my sodium goal lower than MFP gives. MFP adheres to the American standard of 2300 mg per day, but the Canadian Food Guide suggests much less: 1500 mg!

    I do try to keep it below 1500, but if I go over I don't freak out, so long as I stay under 2300 mg.

    The real reason why you need to watch your sodium intake is for your cardiovascular health. If you have a family history of heart problems or high blood pressure, you should really be careful about your sodium.

    The USA just revisited the sodium intake standard. Its also down to 1500 mg per day. I was put on a low sodium diet by me Dr. because I have kidney issues. Its not hard to stay under the 1500. Its all about the choices you make. If you make most of your food, buy fresh foods and stay away from ham, bacon, fast food and crap foods, you'll be fine. Read all the labels, make your own foods, and cut back on pre-made (grab and go foods).
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    I drive myself AND my family crazy, but I have High Blood Pressure, so I have to be vigilant about reading labels.
    What bugs me is the high amount of sodium in what one would consider "natural foods" - such as milk.
    Doesn't matter the %'age of the milk either. Being female and in my 40's I was trying to get a healthy balance of Calcium & Vit. D from my foods, but everything dairy that I like is high in sodium. So now I take a Viactiv calcium chew to get at least 50% of my daily requirement of Calcium. Geesh - another "pill".......
  • gardea
    gardea Posts: 75
    So, I was getting frustrated cuz I wasn't losing any weight and haven't since about mid February. I joined MFP this week. I was doing great on my calorie intake levels and I was exercising a bunch, but I still hadn't lost even an ounce. Then I read about watching sodium intake. It wasn't on my list of levels, so I added. WOW!!! I was over mostly everyday or at least close to being over. I did this on Wednesday. Since Wednesday, I have lost 1.5 lbs. I think my problem was my sodium intake!!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I obsessssss over sodium! My baby eats what we eat and they can't process as much salt as we can, so I'm always trying to find healthy meals that are also low-sodium. Last week was a big old fail in that dept! I try not to worry about it if I go a little over since I've started running and sweat a TON (like dripping in the first 5-10 mins) but I don't want to overload her kidneys. Plus my b/p crept up quite a bit in college when I was living off dining hall food and frozen meals, I have no doubt it was a side effect of too much. Even not cooking with salt or adding it to anything doesn't always help!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    i just do NOT understand why restaurants cannot cook with less salt and leave it to the customer to add extra if they feel they need it... isn't that why there are salt shakers on the tables??
    very good idea i feel that this maybe one thing i need to watch ...i will be avoiding the noodle bar till i am down to the weight i want to be at .

    Because they don't make much from scratch, and at chain restauarnts they don't make anything from scratch. It's all at least partially prepared before it is shipped to the restaurant. So yes, you're going to the chain restaurant to eat frozen food!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Watching my sodium severely limited the processed food in my diet. My frozen lunches for lazy days are very limited, because I refuse to buy any that have more than 450 mg of sodium per meal. And my garlic salt is lasting a lot longer than it used to. :wink:

    Now, I have to be really bad to go over 2000mg per day.
  • I have high blood pressure and for me I retain water by just looking at a saltshaker. My doctor recently took me off the water pill attatched to my meds becauce my potassium was so low. I gained 5 pounds in two days just in water which I have just shedded with the help of extra water intake and watching my sodium., I now carefully watch both my sodium and potassium. I agree that it is more important for folks like me.
  • High sodium leads to retained water weight, but does it actually affect fat loss in any way? If it does, why?

    If not, and blood pressure isn't really an issue, wouldn't ignoring sodium not really be an issue? Does high sodium have long-term effects?

    I know people have lost loads of weight and kept it off while completely ignoring sodium. The changes we're making are big enough without throwing another stupid number to fret over into the equation. So, if it's a "well, you really should lower your sodium, but it doesn't actually affect fat loss" thing, I say screw it.
  • slapshotgolf
    slapshotgolf Posts: 163 Member
    I too am routinely over in sodium, and it concerns me more for cardiovascular health than weight loss...water retention can be dealt with quickly, but once that is done, sooner or later, you have to battle the fat. I have managed rapid weight loss without the use of any medical or nutritional supplements, and while I am aware of my sodium intake, I find it the hardest to control. One thing is for sure, I have cut sodium back considerably since I started with MFP, and I am hoping that as my weight continues to fall, my caloric needs drop, and it should be easier to keep the sodium in line...SSG
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    High sodium leads to retained water weight, but does it actually affect fat loss in any way? If it does, why?

    If not, and blood pressure isn't really an issue, wouldn't ignoring sodium not really be an issue? Does high sodium have long-term effects?

    Basically, for healthy people, it's a better be safe than sorry with regards to sodium.
  • beatlemom
    beatlemom Posts: 250 Member
    I don't watch my sodium at all. doesn't cause me any problems and my BP is always right around 117/72.
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i wasn't really watching my sodium intake until last week, i went away for a few days and ate two bad egg and chips...and a one slice of pizza and some fries....i don't know if it was these meals that caused it, but when i got home i found i was up 9lbs!!!

    i have kept my sodium at the maximum of 1500mg(have been under it every day) and have dropped the whole 9lbs again....maybe coincidence...but i'm watching my sodium anyways
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