Unsweetened Iced Tea

crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
I used to drink several diet cokes a day until my doctors realized that the reason i wasn't able to lose weight was because of artificial sweeteners...my body isn't able to process them. So, I pretty much had to go through detox to stop my diet coke habit and am now totally addicted to unsweetened iced tea (green or black) and drink it like i drink water - i probably drink 60+oz. of each per day, maybe more. I never log the iced tea and just track my total volume of liquid intake each day, because on Weight Watchers, as long as drinks didn't have calories, they were considered the same.
I know there is caffeine in the tea, but it's my only source of caffeine (i've never had coffee, ever, and i never drink soda)... do you think this i what is keeping me from losing weight? Obviously, I could try to go without it, but I wouldn't be a very nice person.

Has anyone else dealt with this? I searched "unsweet tea" but it looked like most people were trying to learn to drink it (without adding sweeteners, etc)... Thanks for any input.


  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    I drink unsweet tea occassionally when I go out to eat (with some sweetener in it of course - a southern man HAS to have his "sweet" tea). Water is ultimately best for you to drink. Try getting used to just drinking water and allow yourself a tea or 2 a day just as a "reward." Green tea is good, but just plain water is better.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,045 Member
    I don't think this has anything to do with your lack of weight loss. It's about balancing your calories correctly. I've never heard of caffeine causing you to hold weight. I've never heard that about artificial sweeteners either. I know your body see all sweeteners as something it needs to produce insulin for, and will cause you to eat more. How did your doctor come up with that "diagnosis"? What kind of tests determne this? :huh:
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    The doctors determined after 7 years of testing and incorrect diagnoses (including celiac, IBS, chrons, etc) that my body can't process the artificial sugars (it was causing all sorts of intestinal problems and bleeding), not that it was keeping me from losing weight (sorry if that's how it came out)... I had gained 50 lbs for seemingly no reason in 2002, but it seems likely that all of the artificial sweeteners were part of the problem since everything else (calorie intake, exercise, thyroid, etc were all good).

    I continue to drink at least 60oz of plain water each day, but I also drink 60oz of unsweetened iced tea... I just drink A LOT. And people always suggest that i might be diabetic, but I actually tend to have LOW blood sugar!

    I guess I just want to know if drinking this much tea might slow my weight loss... i stick to my calorie goals and track everything, yet in 6 weeks, i've only lost 1 lb.

    The only other thing I can think of is that I need a food scale because I'm under-estimating my portions.
  • chicone
    chicone Posts: 17
    I agree with the first poster. I don't think the tea is a factor. I drink water, coffee, and tea all day long and have lost 34 so far.

    Good Luck with your journey.
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    I love my food scale. It was only like $10 and I use it everyday! Try that and see if that helps, but I would still say try to drink more plain water.
  • AutumnisBSB
    AutumnisBSB Posts: 131 Member
    I also don't think it would be the tea. The tea is actually a diuretic so it would help to keep the fluid flushed out. They do say caffeine is an appetite stimulant but if you are counting calories then you would know if you were going over.

    You could always cut it out and see how your body reacts. Everyone is different. It could be that you are eating the wrong kind of foods for you. Or eating too much at one time maybe? If you have low blood sugar then within time you could be diabetic so keep that in mind.

    Glad the dr's were able to figure out what was wrong with you.

    Good Luck!