Calorie Counter

edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
Can anyone suggest or know of a calorie counter when completing exercises? I know that MyFitnessPal has a lot of exercises on here but Zumba isnt listed and I would like to be able to enter calories burned when exercising.



  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    Best way is to buy an HRM and let it give you some numbers...
  • beatlemom
    beatlemom Posts: 250 Member
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Best way is to buy an HRM and let it give you some numbers...

    Amen to this!!!
  • sirphilipe
    sirphilipe Posts: 43 Member
    Best way is to buy an HRM and let it give you some numbers...

    Amen to this!!!

    Absolutely. If you are going to be doing exercise for some time into the future, get yourself a heart rate monitor. Best investment I have ever done for my health. So much so that I just bought one for my fiance who is also trying to exercise and lose weight.

    They accurately give you calories for anything you do. Sometimes the counters in MFP are way off or they just don't have your exercise.
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    Agreed... Best way to determine it is using n HRM of some sort. (I love my Bodybugg!) But in comparing my HRM results to the "Aerobics - High Intensity" option for the Zumba exercises... MFP is only off by 100-150.
  • Best way is to buy an HRM and let it give you some numbers...

    Thank you so much. New to MFP and I really want accuracy :)

    Thank you for the info!
  • 6598560.png
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    Best way is to buy an HRM and let it give you some numbers...

    Amen to this!!!

    Absolutely. If you are going to be doing exercise for some time into the future, get yourself a heart rate monitor. Best investment I have ever done for my health. So much so that I just bought one for my fiance who is also trying to exercise and lose weight.

    They accurately give you calories for anything you do. Sometimes the counters in MFP are way off or they just don't have your exercise.
    Agreed - plus you have to consider everyone burns at a different rate so if I did 60 minutes of Zumba at 179lbs I might burn say 200 calories but if you weigh more or less than this you would burn more or less for the same amount of time. It also depends on how fit you are. Just because someone weighs less doesn't mean they won't get their heart rate up walking 100 feet if they hardly move all day long.

    ETA: I know in my own experience since losing 20 lbs I now have to work really hard to get my heart rate up doing the 30d shred compared to when I started.
  • Any particular HRM anyone can suggest?
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    Any particular HRM anyone can suggest?

    I've heard the Polar T4(?) HRM is fantastic - and water proof. My BF has that, though he hasn't used it in a while. Personally, I love my Bodybugg (check out for the least expensive rates I've found)... I got it 6 weeks ago and love all the graphs and reports it shoots at me - then again, I'm a nerd. LOL
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