500 cal diet???



  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    It definately is something that is reccommended by doctors and you could ask a doctor about it people in the past that have criticized me have told me that my doctor was wrong but they are in no way doctors and don't know my body personally as I do.

    just be careful. everytime I lose a mini goal ... I up my calories by 100 and it has been helping mmy metabolism catch up to where its supposed to be considering for so long i f'd up my body and now I get my period every month, I don't feel fatigued, I look better even!!

    defin. consult a doctor about it first tho. and try to find more filling foods... things w higher protien like those frozen meals I mentioned and the lunas and shakes bc you'll be consuming less but you'll feel satisfied.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    Bad idea. Are you going to eat 500 calories for the rest of your life? When you go back to a normal intake, your weight will return unless you make a lifestyle change. Additionally, you're NOT going to be able to get your recommended protein/vegetables in such a low calorie intake. It's a quick fix, and a bad idea at that.
  • Nvanac
    Nvanac Posts: 33
    I've been eating healthy and working out and have a trainer 3 days a week!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I think the best person to ask is your own doctor. He will know your situation and health status and can recommend something that will be safe for you.
    In general this this sounds exceptionally low - there is no point in losing pounds if you end sick. No matter what the tv ads promise there is no magic quick fix to make you instantly lose weight, keep it off and stay healthy.
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    I could only understand that if it were an ALL raw veggies diet, and even then... no thanks.
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    From what I've red, very low calorie diets (<1200 cal/day) are sometimes used to help the extremely obese, but this has to be done under close medical supervision, possibly even in hospital. It isn't something that you should consider on your own.
  • lclark1970
    lclark1970 Posts: 30 Member
    Yes, I did it, but only for two weeks. I did NOT use the hormones, I used the HCG platiunum-14. It got me over a weight loss plateau. I am not gong to lie, it is difficult. The first week was easy. The next week I had cravings. I didn't have that much weight left to lose, so I didn't stay on it that long. I am in phase 2 now and slowly upping my calorie intake , doubling my protein. I am eating alot of veggie burgers , quinoa for breakfast and drinking soy milk.. I am also eating plenty of veggies and introducing non fat dairy. I can't eat breads and sweets for another three weeks though.
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    You do NOT NEED to cut calories to 500 a day. If any doctor recommended this they need to have their license removed and blacklisted from practicing medicine.

    Eat food, eat it right and eat enough to function but in a deficit enough to lose weight.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Unless you are under a doctor's care while eating that few calories, don't even consider it.

    My husband's boss did that HCG diet and lost 70 pounds eating nothing but a couple of salads each day. She went off the plan when she reached her goal weight, and immediately put 15 pounds back on in a few weeks. She's on it again. You'd think she'd learn.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    This would be why people are hesistant about posting... so, I also hesistate to reply, but want to just put a few thoughts out there for you...

    There are LOTS of people who are on a 500-700 calorie diet. The best way to do this though - is with a medical professional walking you through what and how to do it. These doctors do not need to be blacklisted... and this isn't some crazy thing when supervised by a medical professional that is qualified to do it! I know people who do this on their own or do the HCG thing on their own... and that would be scary to me.

    The majority of people who start on this under a medical professional... start at around 500 calories and weigh in regularly. You have to have medical tests prior to ensure that you are healthy enough to do the plan (not "healthy" but "healthy enough to participate") and you have specific guidelines to ensure you are getting the right mix of calories, nutrients, etc. Each person finds what their "sweet spot" is for this PHASE of the plan/diet/program. This is only a phase of a program, because as people are pointing out... at some point you will need to up the calories to return to a normal level that will maintain your weight. This is when you learn about portion control and you also learn what foods do or do not work for your body.

    I don't think that this is just a "do it" or "that's crazy" kind of decision to make based upon the thoughts and opinions of people who don't know you and don't know all of the facts about where you are at, what your health is, etc. I wouldn't even pretend to know enough about you or what "500 calorie diet" you are wanting to try. My advise would be to talk to your doctor and see what he/she has to say. Or, go to a clinic/program where you can be medically supervised when attempting to lose large amounts of weight. Find a professional that you can trust and has a good record of success. Most of all... as much as I hate to hear this myself... remember that the weight didn't get put on overnight and it sure isn't going to come off overnight. Make sure that your expectations are realistic - because if you set a goal that is not attainable, the stress and disappointment may lead to putting weight back on, poor self-esteem and giving up.