Feelng guilty after this weekend!

I've been doing sooo good for months, but this weekend I didn't go to the gym ( which. Do 6 days a week normally) and I ate junk food! I'm feeling really guilty! The food I ate wasn't even worth the extra calories!! Ugh, this week I need to do a super butt kick! I have goals I want to obtain, and with this weekend I hope it didn't ruin everything! I won't be weighing myself for a few weeks now so I wont really know what damage I really did... I guess tomorrow is a new day! Thanks for anyo e who read this and listened to me vent!! ;)


  • Keightisgr8
    Keightisgr8 Posts: 121 Member
    Write it off and use it as motivation!! Don't let it knock you off track, just come back better than ever.
  • loseatonlady
    Don't let guilt overcome you. Just keep your promise of getting to the gym tomorrow and getting your eating back on track! YOU will overcome this & YES, that is what your friends here at MFP are here for! We've all been there! I mess up and then I just try and remember to start over at the next meal - even if it is a snack! :wink:
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Then when you wake up it's a new day....don't beat yourself up over it. It's done & over now. You just learned a valuable lesson....Hopfully you will remember how bad you feel ....so there is not next time.

  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    I say, a weekend like that every once in a while not only keeps you sane, in that it's ok to splurge every once in a while, but it also helps keep you grounded. You realize that you don't really need that food, how bad it makes you feel, or whatever. So it serves for multiple purposes :) So don't beat yourself up about it!
  • traceybarbour
    traceybarbour Posts: 226 Member
    You will be just fine...We all have this at some point,the good part is that you are still focused on your goals..Whats done is done..probaly not as bad as you think some times when we shock our bodies it response in a good way,not to say we stay in shock mode tho.:drinker: lol.. hang in there and just get back with it!!!
  • KandiGirl31
    I understand the entire feeling guilty thing. It lead to me to gain 100lbs over the last 5 years because I'd continue down the path of "OH WELL. I MESSED UP so I'll just eat what I want now." I love your attitude about tomorrow is a new day! That's exactly right. We can self-assesss and self-correct tomorrow!

    This weekend I had friends over and I know we had a lot of eating out and a fair to go to. I PLANNED ON CHEATING AND MESSING UP, but in a good way. I worked out before they woke up so I could allow for the extra calories and at Ruth's Chris I had fried oysters and made everyone at the table order a dessert and I TASTED a little of each one! LOL! Then I had 1/4 of a funnel cake this weekend at the fair but walked around the fair for 4 hours. I also didn't feel like going to the gym this morning so I just took a really brisk 45 minute walk around my neighborhood and had a protein shake to replace my dinner tonight.

    It's been my experience to "WEIGH IN" a couple of days after you "MESS UP." I know it's hard because if the numbers go up it gets discouraging, but FOR ME it's taught me to better guage how much I CAN "CHEAT" and if / when I do "CHEAT or OVERCHEAT" I know that 1 week of SUPERBEHAVING on the food will save me! That may or may not work for you, but I just thought I'd share.

    YOU HAVE THE RIGHT ATTITUDE...TOMORROW IS ANOTHER A DAY! Do right MOST OF THE TIME and "MESS UP" sometimes...we're only human!
  • mollie6986
    mollie6986 Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks everyone for your support!!!