any hair dressers out there?

Trying to find someone who can relate to the hair biz and how it affects our diet and fitness. Standing all day...eating between clients etc.


  • CallMeMamaBoo
    I've been there, done that, loved it, and hated it and now I am a stay at home mom! I completely sympathize with you! Since being home I've been able to quit smoking...which was my huge huge huge issue with dealing with hair, clients, and co-workers....well...mostly just the co-workers LOL
  • kitten7911
    kitten7911 Posts: 49 Member
    i have been a stylist for 15 years. its hard to stay on track some days. it sucks when it is crazy busy, i've learned it is easier to pack snacks that are easy to eat on the fly like apple slices or cheese. my chair is in the back of the salon so i run back and forth a lot. its also hard when your clients or staff bring lots of yummy treats! when i get home i'm beat and want to chill for awhile. still haven't found the routine that works for me, cause i work a different shift everyday.:cry:
  • kitten7911
    kitten7911 Posts: 49 Member
    so true, i'm the assistant manager & i don't know what is more stressfull, the clients or the staff somedays!!!! i love my job, but i take the back seat to make other people feel better about themselves, now its time for me! add me as a friend if you'd like, i know how hard it is & the amount of energy it takes out of ya somedays.
  • chanel5_1987
    Im a cosmo student and even now I see how hard it can be. You're constantly working on something and rarely get any time to eat. That's such a terrible thing bc our bodies need the proper amount of calories
  • 612gemini
    612gemini Posts: 37
    I totally agree with what everyone has said. Ive been a hairstylist for 19 years, I love my work but it can totally sabotage your diet & exercise routine. I do try to pack snacks to eat between clients or while mixing color. I ALWAYS have almonds with me, I find they keep me fuller longer. And I always have a big bottle of water at my work station as well. When clients bring in sweets I set them up at our coffee station so the clients can eat them instead of me! :laugh:
  • OneBKDiva
    OneBKDiva Posts: 82 Member
    I've been a stylist for 20 years. We've been trained to eat bad lol. Keep healthy fruits by your side when you feel like snacking. Be sure to take a lunch break in between clients. You'll be fine.
  • jtns
    jtns Posts: 11
    Hi fellow Cosmetologists. :-) i'm a beauty school student. i graduate in February, Add me if you want but please mention this thread in the friend request.