Wondering if I am looked at differently on MFP because I had

Kebennett1 Posts: 72
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I know that I chose a different path than many of you when it comes to weight loss. You may believe I took the easy way out! I am here to prayerfully set the record straight on Lap-Band Surgery! THERE IS NOTHING EASY ABOUT IT! First off you have to have an upper GI, an ultrasound, pass a Cardiologists Exam, A sleep study, A Psychiatric Exam, Meet with a Nutritionist, then if you pass those you have a two week, liquid diet plus one Liver shrinking small meal a day at dinner! Then you have the LB surgery which takes 5 incisions. I am still tender after 3 1/2 months! I can feel the port and it is tender in that area when I try to sleep on my right side! For the first week you only get clear liquids. The Second week all liquids. The third week soft foods like cottage cheese, yogurt, Oatmeal,etc... The next week ground foods. Then up another step, etc., Well you get the point! Every 6 weeks saline solution is injected through my abdomen into my port to tighten my band keeping it in optimum adjustment so I can continue to lose! I can only eat between 1/4 to 1/2 cup of food per meal or I will get sick and vomit! I have stuck to the plan so thank GOD this has not happened! Would I go through this again, Yes! Why, because I played the yo-yo game for 30 years! Never getting below 160 pounds and then I would gain it all back, plus more! Then my health started failing. My cholesterol went up, my heart started failing, my lungs started becoming affected, I had a stroke in 2000 and a heart attack! Finally, my Cardiologist recommended that I have LB surgery to aid in my weight loss and to keep it off! Believe me I thought a lot about it. I know two people who had it done. One lost little weight because she doesn't follow her plan and she is sick a lot! The other lost 90 pounds and is now at a plateau because she is not following the plan now and she gets sick! I just keep praying that GOD will give me the strength to continue to stay with the program! He has for the past 3 1/2 months. It is a tool of weight loss! It assists me in helping me to feel full with smaller meals and stay feeling full for long periods in between. BUT, I still have to choose to eat healthy foods, small portions and there are foods I CAN NOT eat, like Bread Products, chips, crackers, candy, gum, no carbonated beverages and I still have to exercise! So as you see I am not all that different than the rest of you! I have a plan, must stick to it, and need support!


  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    Nope. I haven't had it, but there's no way that's an "easy" way out. I've had a breast reduction surgery, but that doesn't mean I took the easy way, because 1/2lb was surgically removed!! :laugh: Rock on and hold your head high. Who cares what others think of you! :flowerforyou:
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    I have a friend that went through that procedure and it worked out well for him. But it sounds like quite the lengthy process to go through. Nothing I would want to try.

    Keep doing what you are doing, and you will always have us MFP'ers for support :)
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I always thought surgeries were the hard way. I've only ever known people who gained their weight back because the problem is their habits and not some mysterious physical issue. The chances of having thyroid and metabolism issues that actually affect weight loss are close to zilch. So, people get the surgery, it ultimately fails, they have to do all the same non-surgical things the rest of us are doing AND live with any complications. NO THANK YOU. I definitely don't think that's the easy way.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I have had a hard time losing weight, and tried for many years....but I didn't give up. Everyone has a choice of how they want to do it. I wanted to learn to eat right...and exercise.

    I don't really care how anyone else loses their weight.... Just glad they are doing something. I only can worry about me : )

  • missvics
    missvics Posts: 112
    I had gastric bypass almost 10 years ago and still battle my weight although it definitely helped me with the initial big weight loss. There is definitely no easy way out!!!
  • fireflyangel22
    fireflyangel22 Posts: 85 Member
    From a nurse's perspective it is far from an easy way out. Any kind of weight loss surgery is very hard on the body, and has stressful strict rules for dos and donts after the surgery. It is helpful to some people, but causes more difficulties for others. Keep following the doctor's instructions and a great healthy diet. You have just as many struggles as the rest of us on here, and we respect that!
  • Thank you believetoachieve!:flowerforyou:
  • Ree_Chatelain
    Ree_Chatelain Posts: 229 Member
    I don't think anyone would look at you differently. We are all taking this weight loss journey in our own ways and for our own reasons. Everyone has struggles and needs to do what is best for them. Good luck, stick to it and stay strong. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for the choices you made. =)
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    It doesnt mattr what ppl think. You are doing what you need to do to get healthy. This is your choice and if you feel you need it then right on!!!! I dont view you differently you are trying to make a change in your life and that is admirable. I know that i could not do it but that is because i am scared of doing surgery type things. I have seen it help ppl who could not do it without that push...

    I will be praying that God gives you the strength and determination to stick with it i would hate for you to get sick from not sticking with the plan.

    Loosing weight no matter what you do is not easy... People need to respect that everyone does things differently...
  • Thank you precious kitten!:flowerforyou:
  • jmjones66
    jmjones66 Posts: 145 Member
    My daughter had the LB surgery, as well. She lost about 90 pounds in 6 - 8 months. She stays pretty active, which is great. She was never able to have saline added to her port, because it was making her too full and she could eat. Two-years later, and she still has nothing in her port. She is maintaining her weight, but EVERYTHING makes her sick. She has good days and bad. The things that make her sick one day may not make her sick on others. I watch her struggle through this everyday, and because of her struggles, I decided that the LB surgery was not for me.

    I wish you the best in you journey. The weight will be gone before you know it.
  • Respect your opinion MckayMachina!:smile:
  • Wildflower3475
    Wildflower3475 Posts: 79 Member
    First of all I want to say thank you for educating me on this. I had no idea all that was involved. You must be a strong person to go through all of that. I've always said that people who bully or hurt others are usually doing it because they are jealous of something you have. Maybe they're trying everything and nothing is working for them and are jealous of the accomplishments you've made. Just continue to do what works for you and what makes you happy and don't even waste an iota of a thought on what "they" say. :o)
    Good luck on your journey!
  • Christine1110 We are here to support each other not worry about each other! I have finally learned healthy food choices, and to exercise, but yes, this is what it took! I guess I was a slow learner :smile: And had to do it the hard way!
  • missvics, gastric bypass is a whole different ballgame. I hear you still always feel hungry. With LB that is a plus, you don't. I am sorry you are still battling weight issues after going through such a tough surgery. I wish you all the best and am here for you for support any time you need it.
  • taosan
    taosan Posts: 8 Member
    Why would anyone look different at you? Weight loss is never an easy journey, especially if you've gone overweight 30, 40, 50 or more pounds and have been like that for who knows how long.

    Gastric bypass is just yet another tool to accomplish a desired outcome, and as you have stated, if the determination isn't there, you won't make it with a band either.

    So no, I wouldn't look at you differently, the tools you choose to get rid of the excess weight should be the ones that best suit your individual circumstances, for some that's hunger diets, for others pumping iron, the next one might freebase saturated fats on an Atkins diet, yet another one chooses the LB or even a combination of all the above.

    In the struggle to lose weight everybody has to go through their trial and error phases before arriving at the right combination of measures that will create sustainable loss, and for every person this trip is equally demanding and taxing.

    I'm not even quite sure what your motivations are to ask such a question, it almost sounded like you feel you are "cheating". Well, you're not.

    It's your journey to a healthier body, you can't compare it to other's. There is no such thing as good and bad approaches (well extreme and stupid stuff excluded of course), there is only the one approach that works for you, and if it works for you, then you have achieved a goal that is by no means any lesser than that of someone using the 185-days-fluids-only or 3-months-pineapples or what have you avenue.

    What I am trying to get at is this, once you've become overweight to a certain degree it doesn't matter exactly what approach you choose, they'll all be equally demanding on you and require determination, sacrifice pain sometimes even.

    To that effect, all the best to you and congratulations on taking one of many possible steps to getting a healthier body.
  • fireflyangel22, you are correct! I have to be careful and make sure I am getting enough Nutrition. I have to be careful to make sure I do not do anything to make my LB slip! I have been very blessed not to suffer from any nausea, as I follow the diet plan carefully. I do add Vitamins, minerals and extra Protein! I have a Cardiologist, Family Physician and the LB surgeon who ALL follow my progress and contact with a Nutritionist anytime I want to speak to one! Thank you for your input!
  • schatelain, Thank you for your encouraging words! :flowerforyou:
  • Mariposa187, Thank you for your support. It is greatly appreciated!:flowerforyou:
  • jmjones66, Thank you for sharing about your daughter. I am sorry things are not going well for her. I will add her to my prayers. Thank you for the encouragement! :flowerforyou:
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