how to shut out your chocolate craving!! :(

I have done a bit of research and it says if you eat one square of 80% coca plus chocolate it will take your craving away... I miss chocolate :( My craving isint stopping, i havent had it in over 2 weeks..
Is it true you can get headaches from this?


  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member

    It releases endorphins in your body which will help sate those cravings. Just do some leg squats, you'll be fine. It's just a battle you must be determined to win.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I have the same problem. :/ But if I get cravings, I usually give in BUT have a teeny portion. Not awesome, but better a bite of chocolate cake than the whole slice, I guess.
  • busymamaof4
    busymamaof4 Posts: 19 Member
    I don't deny myself chocolate. My thoughts are if you deny yourself, you will eventually give in and then eat way too much of it. I will allow myself to eat chocolate from time to time, the key is moderation. Everything in moderation!
  • zundelag
    zundelag Posts: 175 Member
    I decided a long time ago I wasn't going to cut sweets out of my diet completely, but I would let my self "indulge" on the weekends. At first it seemed I would make up for lost time when Saturday roll around, but now it's not such a big thing if I have chocolate or not anymore. When I do get those cravings I can usually talk myself into waiting until the weekend and then I can "reward" myself for doing such a good job with some fantastic chocolate of my choice, if I feel I still need it. When that doesn't work I'll talk to DH who will help me through my cravings. Another tip... If I am having a crazy strong craving I'll make myself a weak cup of cocoa (twice the water or half the cocoa) when I'm relaxing in the evening.
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    I eat a piece of Ghiradeli 60% dark chocolate. One square is only 52 calories and since it's not as sweet as milk chocolate, I'm satisfied with one piece.
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    you can go for Dark chocolate.. why totally deprive yourself of chocolates ?
  • unhinge
    unhinge Posts: 318 Member
    I make chocolate instant sugar free pudding with low fat milk for an evening snack and have not had the sweet cravings or chocolate cravings I have suffered on other "diet" plans. I am also exercising much more, maybe that is helping.
  • AmandaOc2011
    you can go for Dark chocolate.. why totally deprive yourself of chocolates ?

    Because it is my weak point, when i indulge in chocolate it isint just one piece, it could be two bars.. Thats why i decided to cut it out!

    I think im going to dry the two parts water and half coca.. ! :) Thanks
  • zundelag
    zundelag Posts: 175 Member
    I forgot about putting unsweetened coca powder in yogurt. I find yoplait is usually sweet enough to balance out the bitterness.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I have Dove Dark Chocolate Cherry Hearts in my cabinet and probably haven't had one in 2 weeks...I don't know why I no longer crave chocolate or candy like I used to, but I rarely do. I got used to not eating that kind of stuff regularly, very quickly, and now I don't want it very often. I wish I could say that about Oreos...I'm afraid to even keep those in the house :)
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    If I want chocolate I will have it, I usually have the dark chocolate 100 calorie bars from Trader Joes. I only have half of one along with a few almonds, yum!
  • GypsyWagon
    GypsyWagon Posts: 82 Member
    If I want chocolate I will have it, I usually have the dark chocolate 100 calorie bars from Trader Joes. I only have half of one along with a few almonds, yum!

    Exactly what I was going to post. Love the 100 Cal Bars from TJ's and also their little tins of Chocolate Covered Cocoa Nibs. They're about the size of a Tic Tac and 3 to 5 of those are actually enough for me to get a little chocolate hit...but, they're totally not something I'd have any interest in eating the whole pack.
  • thomalr6180
    thomalr6180 Posts: 94 Member
    I am not really a choclate fan, but I have heard that if you take magnesium that it helps with cravings for chocolate.
  • CTK3989
    CTK3989 Posts: 109 Member
    If you want a small snack, Kellogs Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bars taste like candy bars, they are delicious.
  • aml17
    aml17 Posts: 30 Member
    emerald cocoa covered almonds. Takes care of my chocolate craving, while not eating something completely bad for you!
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    "They" say taking a magnesium supplement helps with chocolate cravings. Chocolate is very high in magnesium and some people crave it because they're low in it. I don't have personal experience with it though. Something worth checking into maybe. Good luck!!
  • MamaMonkey
    I'm a crazy sugar freak as well. Honestly, until I started Shakeology I couldn't get those cravings under control. Try the chocolate shakes, they work wonders!!
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Haha! Someone beat me to it! :)
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i converted to dark chocoalte. i find i can eat a piece or 2 of dark chocolate and stop, it is actually more satisfying and not so more-ish, with milk chocolate, i just can't stop until there is none left in the house.

    i eat a chocolate bar (45g nestle club) every saturday night as my treat... it keeps me sane... i love it, why should i deny myself? i work hard for it, and it's not excessive, i go to the gym 4-5 times a week, and it gives me something to look forward to. otherwise, i could go without chocolate for 6 months, and then when i crash, i crash hard, and it's not pretty, i go on a bender that lasts for a couple of years, and all my hard work is undone!
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    If I want chocolate I will have it, I usually have the dark chocolate 100 calorie bars from Trader Joes. I only have half of one along with a few almonds, yum!

    Exactly what I was going to post. Love the 100 Cal Bars from TJ's and also their little tins of Chocolate Covered Cocoa Nibs. They're about the size of a Tic Tac and 3 to 5 of those are actually enough for me to get a little chocolate hit...but, they're totally not something I'd have any interest in eating the whole pack.

    I also get a tin of the espresso pillows, I have a couple a day too, soooooo good!