Hair nails and skin

Does anyone know what causes nails to be really dry and peeling, toe nails to have white patches on them, and skin to be dry, could this be a lack of vitaims in diet ?


  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    I was doing some research on that last week as my nails are a little flaky. So far I've not worked out if it's iron, calcium or vitamin B!

    EDIT: ps, white spots on nails dont have to be a vitamin deficiency (and it appears it's a myth that they're calcium related, though dry nails can be), could just be knocks to the nail bed (maybe you're exercising in trainers that are too tight on the toes for example), also, dry nails etc can just be dehydration too
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    "There are many myths surrounding those mysterious white spots on fingernails that occasionally show up, but the simple truth is that the majority of white spots on fingernails are caused by a previous injury to the nail bed. They can be loosely compared to bruises on the skin.

    If you notice white spots, also known as leukonychia, on your nails, they unlikely to have been caused by a vitamin or mineral deficiency. In a few cases, white spots on fingernails can indicate an underlying infection, but much more commonly, they are the result of injury. Similar to bruising, white spots on fingernails do not show up immediately. It may take several days or weeks before you notice the spots. Because they are generally the result of a minor injury, you are likely to have forgotten all about banging your fingernail against the car door."
  • Kiwidacute
    Kiwidacute Posts: 11 Member
    White spots on nails are a sign of zinc deficiency
  • goldenbutterfly
    My white spots are on my toe nails and take up not qwite half of the nail and have been there for qwite some time they are qwite noticible
  • petchonka82
    petchonka82 Posts: 156
    If you haven't already, discuss this with your doctor. These can be signs of hypothyroidism as well.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Did a database search and it comes up with a long list of 70 possible causes of brittle nails, accompanied by skin problems (not necessarily just dry skin though).

    If you're worried, as others have said, mention it to a doctor. I'm trying to watch my iron and calcium intake (note that the database on here is lacking in that information for lots of products, so you may need to manually correct a lot of info as you enter foods into your diary), and then I'll see if my nails improve.
  • goldenbutterfly
    Dr is sending me for a thyroid scan this week also i have had issues with my immune systems
  • goldenbutterfly
    i will remember to mention it to him when i see him next, wasnt sure if it was relevant, but now i see it could be, thanks guys :)