Couch to 5K (start 4/4/11)



  • ktspac
    ktspac Posts: 32
    hi - can i join in too.

    i just finished week 3 last night. I run mon, wed, fri usually. my goal is to get up before work but some mornings that does not work and then i end up runnign ince my kids are in bed -- either way makes for a long day but so far worth it.
    i have been on the treadmill so far but really looking forward to getting outside - weather here has been too crazy though - thought spring was here last Sunday when it was in the 80s and then today it is snowing again - yuck!

    i have tried a few free apps for my iphone for this but haven't liked any & can't justify ven the few bucks when I can time myself - I know that's crazy. so i have just been following the program on cool running so far.

    looking forward to week 4 next week!!

    anyway, i would love to do my 1st 5K on 4th of July by my house - we'll see how this goes. ultimately I would love to try a 1/2 marathon next spring if I can keep this up.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    hi - can i join in too.

    i have tried a few free apps for my iphone for this but haven't liked any & can't justify ven the few bucks when I can time myself - I know that's crazy. so i have just been following the program on cool running so far.

    looking forward to week 4 next week!!

    anyway, i would love to do my 1st 5K on 4th of July by my house - we'll see how this goes. ultimately I would love to try a 1/2 marathon next spring if I can keep this up.


    have you looked into the podcasts, if the apps aren't what you're looking for? i have a "stupid" phone, so i just take my crappy little mp3 player with the free podcasts on it. most of them have vocal cues or chimes to tell you when to walk/run, and music to keep you moving. i like the original ones by Robert whatever-his-name-is. but there are several different sets out there, including christian, hip hop, no music, whatever.

    i'm only suggesting it because it really helps me focus on my core and stuff when i don't have to constantly check the time.
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    I agree, I have a "smart" phone but I still prefer my mp3 podcasts over the apps for my droid. I do take my droid with me also but I only take it for the "my tracks" app to measure my time, distance and speed.
  • louiseei
    louiseei Posts: 254 Member
    Day 1 of week 3 done. My 7YO was shouting "it's killing me" on the second 3 min run but she did it, bless her. No stitch for her this time either, very proud of her.
  • Cutiger81
    Cutiger81 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm having trouble with my app. It gets the distance wrong. Yesterday it said that I went a total of six miles when I only when two. I have it on Iphone. Should I reset it after every workout? or should I reset it once. Has anyone had this happen.
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    ^^^^ Don't know - I'm sure someone else will help you.

    I did week 8 day 1 today - 28 minute run. Crikey the last 2-3 mins were really tough - I ran a total of 2.7 miles so I really need to quicken the pace if I want to achieve my <30 minute target for 5k.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm actually doing the C210k. (I'm on W5/D2). You all sound like you're doing great!

    I just wanted to mention - be careful on running 2 days in a row. There is a reason for the "rest" day. Even if your heart/lungs can manage, your joints, ligaments and bones need to be able to rest/strengthen to adjust to the pounding they are being put through. Not following the program and trying to run every day can lead to injury. It really is better to rest for 1 day - than end up sidelined for months.

    Resting doesn't mean not exercising - you can do other stuff, elliptical, bike, swim, etc. Just give your joints a day off from pounding.
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    hi - can i join in too.

    i just finished week 3 last night. I run mon, wed, fri usually. my goal is to get up before work but some mornings that does not work and then i end up runnign ince my kids are in bed -- either way makes for a long day but so far worth it.
    i have been on the treadmill so far but really looking forward to getting outside - weather here has been too crazy though - thought spring was here last Sunday when it was in the 80s and then today it is snowing again - yuck!

    i have tried a few free apps for my iphone for this but haven't liked any & can't justify ven the few bucks when I can time myself - I know that's crazy. so i have just been following the program on cool running so far.

    looking forward to week 4 next week!!

    anyway, i would love to do my 1st 5K on 4th of July by my house - we'll see how this goes. ultimately I would love to try a 1/2 marathon next spring if I can keep this up.

    Welcome aboard ktspac! The more of us the better! I did buy the C25K app for my iphone (think it was $3). I have to purposely not look at the times as I tend to go into the "I'll never last that long" mode. It's a psychological thing for me. I also admit that I love seeing the little GPS map showing me where I went, the charts showing my progress on run times, walk times, distance, etc. I need all the bells and whistles I can get to keep me going.

    Keep us posted on your progress - it's great to read about everyone else making it through this together!
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Day 1 of week 3 done. My 7YO was shouting "it's killing me" on the second 3 min run but she did it, bless her. No stitch for her this time either, very proud of her.

    Hurray for your daughter!!! She's a real champion to keep going. My daughter hasn't made it out with me for the last 2 runs. Fortunately, she has that youth thing going for her, and I think she'll be joining me the rest of this week. I'm glad you got through the 3 minutes okay!

    I did Day 1 of Week 2 today. I've been doing all my runs outside, and had a very sunny day today, but the wind is unbelievable. When I was on my last run I was going into the wind, which actually was a big help - it kept me standing upright!
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    I'm having trouble with my app. It gets the distance wrong. Yesterday it said that I went a total of six miles when I only when two. I have it on Iphone. Should I reset it after every workout? or should I reset it once. Has anyone had this happen.

    I had that happen to me twice the first week where it was adding the distance from two different days. I'm wondering if I opened it, backed out to another screen, and then re-opened it by mistake. The other thing I'm seeing is when I go into the journal screen it shows one workout that's blank and a second that is my actual run. I'm just deleting the blank one and then it's fine. If you want to keep a running log of when you go out I wouldn't reset everything, or you lose all that info. Maybe it will clear up like mine did - ghosts in the machine or something :)
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm actually doing the C210k. (I'm on W5/D2). You all sound like you're doing great!

    I just wanted to mention - be careful on running 2 days in a row. There is a reason for the "rest" day. Even if your heart/lungs can manage, your joints, ligaments and bones need to be able to rest/strengthen to adjust to the pounding they are being put through. Not following the program and trying to run every day can lead to injury. It really is better to rest for 1 day - than end up sidelined for months.

    Resting doesn't mean not exercising - you can do other stuff, elliptical, bike, swim, etc. Just give your joints a day off from pounding.

    I'm hoping to try the 5K to 10K program once I feel comfortable with the will give me something to do this fall other than rake leaves!

    I hear what you're saying about the rest days. I did check with my MD (her practice is strictly weight loss & exercise) about the running. Because I've been walking previously and did strength training she felt I would be fine, but should base things on how my body is feeling. I have done that and skipped a day if I felt much in the way of muscle soreness. My biggest challenge is to combine the strength training and the running and still find time to work, shop, do wash, etc. I really want to get to were I'm doing cardio 5 days a week and a split routine of strength training 4 days a week. Hopefully, that will come with time. Then the weight will have no choice but to disappear from my body!

    Good luck to you with your 10K program, and I'm glad you're joining in here!
  • Hi everyone!

    I'm new here and would like to join this topic.

    I start week 2 tomorrow! Week one went well and I felt good. Week 2 adds 30 more second to the runs and I am feeling intimidated by that. Then again I was intimidated by the 60 second runs.
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm actually doing the C210k. (I'm on W5/D2). You all sound like you're doing great!

    I just wanted to mention - be careful on running 2 days in a row. There is a reason for the "rest" day. Even if your heart/lungs can manage, your joints, ligaments and bones need to be able to rest/strengthen to adjust to the pounding they are being put through. Not following the program and trying to run every day can lead to injury. It really is better to rest for 1 day - than end up sidelined for months.

    Resting doesn't mean not exercising - you can do other stuff, elliptical, bike, swim, etc. Just give your joints a day off from pounding.

    I'm pleased you've posted about the C210K - I've sent you a PM about it, hope you don't mind :-)
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    Hi Everyone, I'm actually doing the C210k. (I'm on W5/D2). You all sound like you're doing great!

    I just wanted to mention - be careful on running 2 days in a row. There is a reason for the "rest" day. Even if your heart/lungs can manage, your joints, ligaments and bones need to be able to rest/strengthen to adjust to the pounding they are being put through. Not following the program and trying to run every day can lead to injury. It really is better to rest for 1 day - than end up sidelined for months.

    Resting doesn't mean not exercising - you can do other stuff, elliptical, bike, swim, etc. Just give your joints a day off from pounding.

    i learned this one the hard way last week when the day came that i couldn't walk down the stairs to take the trash out!

    on another note - i did w2d3 today. and it was GOOD! i am very much looking forward to starting week 3 on tuesday!
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    Hi Everyone, I'm actually doing the C210k. (I'm on W5/D2). You all sound like you're doing great!

    I just wanted to mention - be careful on running 2 days in a row. There is a reason for the "rest" day. Even if your heart/lungs can manage, your joints, ligaments and bones need to be able to rest/strengthen to adjust to the pounding they are being put through. Not following the program and trying to run every day can lead to injury. It really is better to rest for 1 day - than end up sidelined for months.

    Resting doesn't mean not exercising - you can do other stuff, elliptical, bike, swim, etc. Just give your joints a day off from pounding.

    i learned this one the hard way last week when the day came that i couldn't walk down the stairs to take the trash out!

    on another note - i did w2d3 today. and it was GOOD! i am very much looking forward to starting week 3 on tuesday!
  • SammyAnnie
    SammyAnnie Posts: 2 Member
    I just started Couch to 5K yesterday, so I'm in.
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    I'm so excited! I made it through D1 of W2 and even had a slightly faster run pace (but slower walk pace on purpose). I was looking at a 30-Day Shred before/after success story today that was very inspiring, so I'm going to start that tomorrow. I may end up a pile of jello on the floor by the end of the week but I'll be a SMALLER pile of jello!
  • Frankie_
    Frankie_ Posts: 10 Member
    Done run 1 of week 5 today and it wasn't too bad at all. 3x 5min runs. Even managed to improve my pace by 44secs.
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    finished week 2 day 3 today. Did a further distance than last run at 2.18 miles. Still only a 14.33 mile but hey I'm doing it LOL. I will work on speed later :laugh: Wend. starts week 3 for me weather permitting, calling for rain as of now so it may have to wait until Thursday.

    Happy running everyone!
  • Cutiger81
    Cutiger81 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm about to do my 2nd work out of Week two. Wish me luck today, I'm feeling unmotivated because my neighbor started running with me and he is so much more fit than I am.
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