Any one else eating healthy and then eat something fattening

I joined on March 22, 2011 I have been eating healthy , no fried foods and then the other evening I was out with friends and really wanted a cheeseburger so I ordered one and asked them to hold the bun. It tasted wonderful but when I got home I was sick to the stomach and remained sick for a good four hours later. The next morning I still felt a little quesy. Anyone else have this problem. It actually might be a good thing because I sure won't be ordering a cheeseburger which I am sure they fried in grease any time soon again.


  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    Well, McDonalds burgers taste like straight grease to me now, but I have no problem with restaurant burgers. I hope it wasn't food poisoning.
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    When i do really well for an extended period and then i eat something greasy i am glued to the toilet the rest of the nite. I usually feel sluggish as well... Are you taking Alli? I heard that this happens if you do because it is designed to expel unwanted fat from the body.

    But on a brighter note! YAY YOU! your body is used to eating healthy! :) that means you are doing something right! Maybe next time just a bite or two of the burger will be less tough on your body.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I have always generally eaten well and "healthy," my issue has always been portion control, hence my need to lose weight. Anyway, if I eat a small reasonable amount of fried foods, greasy burgers, too much steak, etc. I will be OK. If I go a little overboard, I will get a stomach ache. I am sure everyone is different, as some people have more sensitive stomachs than others. I am pretty sure it is fairly normal to have a greasy food "hangover."
  • etarre
    etarre Posts: 147 Member
    My big problem foods are all gooey chocolatey desserts, so I've been trying to cut back on sweets and sugary things. I've noticed that when I do eat them, I can only eat a very small portion these days. I do think our bodies adjust...

    For what it's worth, I gave up eating hamburgers years ago, and now ground beef tastes weird to me.

    Hey, less temptation is a good thing, right? Hope your stomach is recovering!
  • patio1313
    patio1313 Posts: 169 Member
    I had the same thing happen...Only more symptoms than just being queasy...I think that it is normal...It is kind of a shock to your body when you have not been putting that into it for a while. I had been doing really good and then while on vacation I was out with the fam seeing the sights and we had no choice but to hit a McDonalds...I was in the bathroom for an hour...Enjoy that picture.

    That just proves the age old saying of anything in MODERATION...Best of luck
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    Thank you all for letting me know it wasn't just me. I really was glad to feel sick , cured me of wanting a greasy burger again. LOL> That was after suffering for hours and yes several trips to the bathroom the next day. I really thought when I was going to slip up from my healthy eating I would crave something salty as I have given up the salt shaker completely but I was craving the darned cheeseburger.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    McDonalds use to be my favorite after about 2 weeks of eating clean, we went there for lunch one day and I was vomiting for 2 days. Thats no body was refusing the junk.
  • snowflakelaia
    I do not eat any fried stuff, it's my stomach killer. No creamy or rich sauces, those make me sick, so I don't eat them at all.

    If I've eaten a few french fries it's been okay as long as I just eat a bit of them, but too many make me sick as well.

    I've just learned to listen to my body.
  • boyslie72487
    boyslie72487 Posts: 181 Member
    Same thing happened to me. I ate some chips and a chocolate bar and was in bed for the rest of the night! I think its our bodies way of saying "hey! keep those unhealthy foods outta me!" The next day I was eating healthy and felt a million times better!
  • 3ur3ka
    3ur3ka Posts: 230
    That happens to me whenever I eat something super greasy. When I go out to eat, I try to stick to salads without meat.
  • LisaE96
    LisaE96 Posts: 8
    I can eat something really greasy after a few days of eating all good for me foods and I can tell the effects it has on my tummy too!
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    I'm in the same boat you are. I can eat about 1/2 of one and if I've made really healthy choices the rest of the day, I'll be ok. Still feel weighed down and kind of blah, but not sick. Makes me appreciate my healthy choices!
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    Yes. That happens to me alot.

    I have ordered (mind you healthy) panda express chinese food, food at olive garden and food at fazolis. All was still fairly healthy and low calorie, but I think the oil and other artificial marinades got to me because I felt sick after each occasion.
  • flyingspatulas
    flyingspatulas Posts: 97 Member
    That happens to me all the time. The other day I ate three pieces of pizza for dinner, something that would be normal for me pre-MFP, and I thought I was going to explode. It was not a happy night for my poor stomach. Lots of grease and also overloading on carbs does this to me.