Did you stay on plan this weekend



  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I was a little off this weekend.
    Had a couple drinks and was under on protein.
    Not too happy about it, but it happens.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I went out of town this weekend, so I was way off.. Eating every meal out and eating things that I shouldn't have. Even when I'm home I tend to eat out on weekends .

    What I did though this past weekend(and normally) is only eat a little bit of my meal or snack. If I decide that I want a burger, I'll only eat half of it or eat two slices of pizza. If I go to a buffet, I'll eat one plate of salad/food/desert.

    I've also found that pre-planning on MFP helps... if you see what he's putting out go log on MFP what you think your going to eat and how much of those foods your going to eat. That way you know what your allowed and by seeing that, it helps reinforce that.
  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member
    I don't get to the gym on the weekends either because my son and husband are home from school and work, so those are the days I eat a bit less because I'm not earning my workout calories. However, I will try to get more housework done, get the family out for a walk, etc. to get some exercise in. But the one thing I do try to do is stay away from my trigger foods. If I start with the sweets, then I'm in trouble!! I'd suggest staying away from the bread, cheese and olive oil if you know you can't stop once you've started. Hang in there and remain strong. You can do this!!
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    I'd save calories for the cheese and have less of it. Weigh it out. Make sure you've eaten a fair amount during the day to avoid over-eating it! Have something healthy (like grapes) inbetween each bit of cheese. If you can't limit it at all, then STAY AWAY! I don't buy ice cream anymore for this reason - my *full* switch just fails to turn itself on!
  • LisaE96
    LisaE96 Posts: 8
    I have been horrible this weekend. I ate way too much. I sure wish I knew how people controlled themselves on weekends.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I knew this weekend would be tough becuase I was out both Friday and Saturday nights for dinner!

    Friday night I managed to chose healthy options off the menu (rare beef salad to start, grilled fish for main), and Saturday night was in a tapas place where the individual portions are quite small, so it was simple enough to choose a little of something tasty without going overboard.

    I knew this would be sore on the calories, so I made sure I got to the gym - did a strength class on Friday morning, a cardio on Saturday morning, and a good walk with the dog on Sunday. I did find myself on Saturday afternoon not having had any lunch, and had no emergency snack with me, but I found a health food shop that sold small individual packs of nuts, and had some brazil nuts to tide me till later.

    Haven't weighed myself yet, but I was easily fitting into UK size 10 when I was clothes shopping yesterday.
  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    Weekends are always bad for me but I am getting better. Had pizza round a friend's house Saturday night so planned ahead on here and only had two slices and a salad. My bf is loving that I always offer to drive to let him have a drink so I am good there.

    We went on a long hike Sunday but he made me a massive full english before we left and I only managed to burn half of it back. Then had a roast with my family in the evening. I logged everything in and thought I've gone over two days in a row I might as well blow it and ate my Easter egg.

    Today however is a new day and a start to a new week. Going to start doing some extra workouts to compensate for the weekend s I have plans (like this weekend, bbq Friday and a Bday party Saturday).

    If I have been super good all week I don't try and beat myself up any more and I don't go over by more than 500 Kcals at the weekend so at least I won't gain weight.
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    Thanks everyone- feel free to add me as a friend if you want to help support each other during these times. It sounds like my problem is common and some have figured it out and some are struggling like me... I took bits and peices from eac of you and I think I have a plan. Every other weekend, hubby and I have decided we will have a splurge night out to dinner- only that one single night- the other 13 nights, it needs to be completely on plan and by the book-

    Hubby realized this morning that it is him that is pulling me off my progress- of course it's actually me letting him do it and not having any will power, but seriously- it's hard- he promised to stop tempting me in these ways...

    I sure hope this works...:noway:

    In the mean time, it's a double work out for me for making such bad choices...
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    I often felt like I was spending the week making up for the weekend & I finally got tired of that & now try to make better choices on the weekend. Many of my friends and I notice the same thing - up a few pounds, which we think is due to the sodium, so we drink lots of water and it comes off. Also, if you are eating out, try looking up the restaurant menu and plan ahead what to order - that has been helping me. Good luck!
  • Therapist_mama
    Therapist_mama Posts: 135 Member
    Stick to your diet 90% of the time, and for the remaining 10% allow yourself to “cheat”. So to put that into practice, if you allow yourself to go over your calorie restrictions once every 10 days (still stay at or below your maintenance calories) it will help your will power between those periods and it won’t negatively effect your progress.

    Trying to be perfect will cause you to over-indulge.

    The best advice on this thread!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Taking a workout DVD and going to Zumba last night helped me stay on plan despite being away all weekend! I'm away a lot of weekends and it's my biggest challenge!