6 week PUSH YOURSELF challenge, WEEK 3

WOW, can you believe it, we are on to week 3? Everyone of you are doing wonderful and you are taking this challenge so serious. After 2 weeks at it you should be feeling a bit of a difference in some areas and that will only get better and better. I, for one, think I am down a couple pounds, which will be great since I was at a 6 week stand still, and I think there may be some shrinkage in the waist area. But, I made a promise to myself that I would weigh/measure the day we start and not again until the day we end. I will let you know that the weighing part is very hard and not for the reasons you think! I am over the scale and after 102 pounds lost don't stress it as I did for the first year of this journey. BUT, my ultimate goal was/is ONEDERLAND and I was three pounds away from that when we started this. So, by not weighing until the end of our challenge I will not know if I have hit it, or not, until the six weeks are over. I have not been in the 100's in over 20 years so this will be a HUGE feat!

Anyway my DEAR challenge friends, we are off, Week 3 here we come to kick your *kitten*!!!! Woo Hoo!


  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    yeah !!!!!! I lost 2 lbs , I have not been as good with my water as I should its hard but I will get there and I just ordered Insanity so we will see what s next. Hope everyone is doing well !
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    yeah !!!!!! I lost 2 lbs , I have not been as good with my water as I should its hard but I will get there and I just ordered Insanity so we will see what s next. Hope everyone is doing well !

    Fantastic! So happy for you and you should be so PROUD of yourself. Great job!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I think we are going to have some new folks joining up with us starting this week. So, everyone be on the lookout for new names and let's welcome them to this Challenge and help out if we can. All of us have done it for 2 weeks and we know it can be done but there are times when we have to PUSH OURSELVES. They may need a little help PUSHING THEMSELVES.

    But, we have a great group of people here that are all in this together and want to see each other succeed!

    Welcome if you are new and let's keep it going if we have been here the entire time!
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    Thank you so much for doing this challenge, it has really motivated me in my journey to being healthy. I started with MFP on march 22nd and joined in on the challenge on April 4th. I have lost 14 pounds since starting and went from walking one mile to walking 7 miles in one day. I have pushed myself to increase the minutes each week and will do so this week also. I wanted to get over 400 minutes last week and was successful in doing that this week I am going for 500. Thanks again for taking the time to do this:)
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Ok I fell off the wagon last week. Only got a little over 60 minutes of exercise in but I lost 4.6 lbs (shocking since I've been fluctuating between the same few pounds for 6 weeks!) and completed my 5k on saturday in 31 minutes and some odd seconds, first one I've run the whole way through. So even though I didn't meet my minutes and water I had a good week goal wise. I'm looking forward to getting back on track with everyone this weeek and really PUSHING myself! Good luck to everyone this week!!!
  • jodik11
    jodik11 Posts: 64 Member
    Woo hoo! I'm down 2 lbs since last weeks weigh in! I'm doing great so far and hope I can keep it up! I burned 3740 Calories for the week and 467 minutes of workout, and for Week 4 I'm going to push myself to get over 4000 calories! Thanks Tracie for all the support and for me just looking at your exercise diary is so motivating! Good job everyone!
  • Kforest0714
    Kforest0714 Posts: 93 Member
    So far in the two weeks ive lost 2.8 pounds.yay!! Dont know about inches I never measured. I didnt get all my 350 minutes this past week but did get all my water. Ready to start this week strong with my new hrm!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    TOM has arrived, as of today. I will definately try to PUSH MYSELF to get my workouts done. Heck, I've done it for 17 days now, surely three days of TOM won't bother me. I've never actually worked out during TOM before, so this'll be interesting. Or if I have it was an easy walk, not one where I'm going to be doing walk/jog/sprint intervals. Ah well, we shall see how it goes.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Ok I fell off the wagon last week. Only got a little over 60 minutes of exercise in but I lost 4.6 lbs (shocking since I've been fluctuating between the same few pounds for 6 weeks!) and completed my 5k on saturday in 31 minutes and some odd seconds, first one I've run the whole way through. So even though I didn't meet my minutes and water I had a good week goal wise. I'm looking forward to getting back on track with everyone this weeek and really PUSHING myself! Good luck to everyone this week!!!
    Congrats on your run! That's awesome!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Thank you so much for doing this challenge, it has really motivated me in my journey to being healthy. I started with MFP on march 22nd and joined in on the challenge on April 4th. I have lost 14 pounds since starting and went from walking one mile to walking 7 miles in one day. I have pushed myself to increase the minutes each week and will do so this week also. I wanted to get over 400 minutes last week and was successful in doing that this week I am going for 500. Thanks again for taking the time to do this:)

    This is AWESOME! JUST AWESOME! I am so glad that you are really working the challenge and are building the endurance to increase what you do each week! Fantastic!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Ok I fell off the wagon last week. Only got a little over 60 minutes of exercise in but I lost 4.6 lbs (shocking since I've been fluctuating between the same few pounds for 6 weeks!) and completed my 5k on saturday in 31 minutes and some odd seconds, first one I've run the whole way through. So even though I didn't meet my minutes and water I had a good week goal wise. I'm looking forward to getting back on track with everyone this weeek and really PUSHING myself! Good luck to everyone this week!!!

    Great on the run, obviously your endurance has improved! I have no doubt you will get back at it this week and I will strong numbers from you by the end of the week! I have seen you do it before. Great job
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Woo hoo! I'm down 2 lbs since last weeks weigh in! I'm doing great so far and hope I can keep it up! I burned 3740 Calories for the week and 467 minutes of workout, and for Week 4 I'm going to push myself to get over 4000 calories! Thanks Tracie for all the support and for me just looking at your exercise diary is so motivating! Good job everyone!

    Look at you PUSH YOURSELF and look at the results. Way to go, just TERRIFIC!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    So far in the two weeks ive lost 2.8 pounds.yay!! Dont know about inches I never measured. I didnt get all my 350 minutes this past week but did get all my water. Ready to start this week strong with my new hrm!

    Way to go, looks like your hard work is paying off! You will notice a difference, in calories burned, with using an HRM. Keep it up, doing wonderful!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    TOM has arrived, as of today. I will definately try to PUSH MYSELF to get my workouts done. Heck, I've done it for 17 days now, surely three days of TOM won't bother me. I've never actually worked out during TOM before, so this'll be interesting. Or if I have it was an easy walk, not one where I'm going to be doing walk/jog/sprint intervals. Ah well, we shall see how it goes.

    Like you said, you have done it for 17 days! Even with TOM I have no doubt you will do just fine! Just remember we are PUSHING OURSELVES and find what you can do in your comfort level is TOM is giving you problems!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    TOM has arrived, as of today. I will definately try to PUSH MYSELF to get my workouts done. Heck, I've done it for 17 days now, surely three days of TOM won't bother me. I've never actually worked out during TOM before, so this'll be interesting. Or if I have it was an easy walk, not one where I'm going to be doing walk/jog/sprint intervals. Ah well, we shall see how it goes.

    Like you said, you have done it for 17 days! Even with TOM I have no doubt you will do just fine! Just remember we are PUSHING OURSELVES and find what you can do in your comfort level is TOM is giving you problems!
    Not problems, no. More like laziness. But I am going to PUSH through this and get my workouts finished, for sure. I might even see what I can do about switching my days and see if I can't take it easy these three.
  • Ampierce
    Ampierce Posts: 53 Member
    Sorry to all. I fell short of my goals this week because of having the flu.... Hopefully I will be able to get better results this week.

    297 minutes total this week:

    145 minutes strength training
    117 cardio

    Fell a bit short of water towards the end of the week. I should definately have better results this week :)
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Sorry to all. I fell short of my goals this week because of having the flu.... Hopefully I will be able to get better results this week.

    297 minutes total this week:

    145 minutes strength training
    117 cardio

    Fell a bit short of water towards the end of the week. I should definately have better results this week :)

    No reason to apologize for having the flu. In fact, when you are sick you should NOT exercise because you are just taking away the valuable energy that your body needs to get better. Hope you are feeling better and that you ROCK it this week!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    This was from Jillian Michaels FB page today and I thought it would fit in nice with our challenge:

    Challenge! Are you up for it!?

    FITNESS: Try a class you have never taken like Power Yoga, Bar Method, etc.

    FOOD: Do not eat out once! Pack lunches & cook. See how much money you save & how much weight you lose.

    MOTIVATION: Do not be self deprecating at all & simultaneously pay everyone you meet at least one compliment.
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    mixing it up today, seem to be stuck . so i pulled out kenpo from p90x. . also did ab jam. got half my water in, the other half at work tonight.

    Weekly Total / Goal 80 / 360 806 / 3170
  • MoM2LayLa09
    MoM2LayLa09 Posts: 152
    I can't pretend i'm not frustrated. I am trying to ignore the scale and the fact that I can't tell any differences. I just keep going and I keep telling myself it takes time. So i'm not quitting at all but I do have my moments where I wish I would see some results.. but i'm just not. Yet!

    That said, this week I will up my Strength Training to 3 days & I have upped my resistance for the first time in 11 weeks on the elliptical and I felt great so I that will be my new starting number : )
    Best of luck to everyone, keep up the good work : )


    Cardio - 60 minutes
    Water - 9 glasses

    : )