need tips- busy moms and exercise



  • Betheroo
    Betheroo Posts: 26 Member
    I am NOT a morning person, but I wake up at 5:45 M-F to exercise before my four kids get up. Most days I don't feel like it, but I'm always glad I did it once I'm done. I think I just had to come to the realization that I wanted to be fit and trim more than I wanted those extra minutes of sleep each day. I believe that we can always make time for what's important to us. And the bonus is that the days I work out, I definitely have MORE energy than the days I don't work out. You can do it, Momma!

    P.S. I have found running stairs to be an efficient (and cheap!) way to really get the heart rate up. If you live in an apartment building, you can even do it with the door to your apt cracked so you can hear if the kids wake up :-)
  • bbush18
    bbush18 Posts: 207 Member
    i'm a military wife and a sahm with a 2 yr old. i get up earlier than my husband to get in some cardio before he has to leave to go to work. but when he's gone, i take the baby with me! i obviously dont run as fast or as long, but every little bit counts. in the afternoon, i TRY to get in a calisthenic workout while the baby is napping (or should i say, IF the baby decides to nap!!) But honestly, just doing things with the baby, getting down on the floor and being on thier level makes a difference too! also, really watching what you eat helps a great deal!! If you won't feed it to your child, then you shouldn't eat it either!! (if your baby is eating solids...) but it's hard to get on a schedule that works for everyone in the house so i understand!! and when we do find a happy medium for all of us, something goes haywire and we have to start all over!!! but being able to stay at home with the kids is the beauty of can make your schedules a lot more flexible without having to figure in a paying job!! :)
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I workout after my daughter goes to bed at 7pm since I'm not a morning person
  • Jdhenson
    Jdhenson Posts: 6
    These are all great ideas! I am heading up a fitness program at work and the #1 complaint, especially for moms, is "I don't have time to exercise". With the right amount of willpower, anything is possible! Thanks so much! :smile:
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    I get up at 5am M-F to do an Insanity workout. On Saturday mornings my two (2.5 years old and 4 years old) workout with me.
  • theresnoeggs
    theresnoeggs Posts: 188 Member
    When I work out at home I always have my 3 year old with me, or occupied with an activity. If the 18 month old is NOT napping, she is trying to copy the motions. My 5 year old sometimes workouts out with me, bus is usually in school.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I didn't manage to do any exercise apart from walking a lot (2-5 hours a day with a buggy), when mine were pre-nursery age. It just wasn't possible. I didn't get any child free time at all, I was breastfeeding, and had J cup boobs so running was out, and I hate fitness DVDs. I think walking is underestimated as exercise, though. My advise to mothers is get outside and just walk and walk and walk. It keeps the insanity at bay too.